Does urbanization cause stress in wild birds during development? Insights from feather corticosterone levels in juvenile house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Urban landscapes are associated with abiotic and biotic environmental changes that may
result in potential stressors for wild vertebrates. Urban exploiters have physiological …
result in potential stressors for wild vertebrates. Urban exploiters have physiological …
The decline of the Turtle Dove: Dietary associations with body condition and competition with other columbids analysed using high‐throughput sequencing
Dietary changes linked to the availability of anthropogenic food resources can have complex
implications for species and ecosystems, especially when species are in decline. Here, we …
implications for species and ecosystems, especially when species are in decline. Here, we …
Across the North Pacific, dietary-induced stress of breeding rhinoceros auklets increases with high summer Pacific Decadal Oscillation index
Multi-colony studies of breeding seabirds may provide insights into the mechanistic links
between large-scale climate variability and local changes in prey availability. In the North …
between large-scale climate variability and local changes in prey availability. In the North …
Individual foraging location, but not dietary, specialization: implications for rhinoceros auklets as samplers of forage fish
Forage fish are ecologically important to the marine environment, creating a wasp-waist
trophic structure whereby many piscivorous diets are composed of a low diversity of mid …
trophic structure whereby many piscivorous diets are composed of a low diversity of mid …
Of 11 candidate steroids, corticosterone concentration standardized for mass is the most reliable steroid biomarker of nutritional stress across different feather types
Measuring corticosterone in feathers has become an informative tool in avian ecology,
enabling researchers to investigate carry‐over effects and responses to environmental …
enabling researchers to investigate carry‐over effects and responses to environmental …
Lifetime variation in feather corticosterone levels in a long-lived raptor
In long-lived animals, the challenges that threaten individual homeostasis, and the way they
are dealt with, are expected to vary in an age-related manner, encompassing the …
are dealt with, are expected to vary in an age-related manner, encompassing the …
Prospects and pitfalls of using feathers as a temporal archive of stress events and environmental pollutants: a review and case study
K Ganz, D Jenny, T Kraemer, L Jenni… - Journal of …, 2018 - Springer
Methods to assess environmental pollution and stress responses in birds with scarcely
invasive or non-invasive sampling are highly sought after in ecology and conservation. For …
invasive or non-invasive sampling are highly sought after in ecology and conservation. For …
Feathers as integrated archives of environmental stress: Direct and indirect effects of metal exposure and dietary ecology on physiological stress in a terrestrial raptor
Metal pollution is a global environmental issue with adverse biological effects on wildlife.
Long-term studies that span declines in metal emissions due to regulation, resulting in …
Long-term studies that span declines in metal emissions due to regulation, resulting in …
Physical condition and stress levels during early development reflect feeding rates and predict pre-and post-fledging survival in a nearshore seabird
The effects of acute environmental stressors on reproduction in wildlife are often difficult to
measure because of the labour and disturbance involved in collecting accurate reproductive …
measure because of the labour and disturbance involved in collecting accurate reproductive …
Can variability in corticosterone levels be related to POPs and OPEs in feathers from nestling cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus)?
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are still globally distributed and some have been
shown to interact with the endocrine system of birds. However, the relationship between …
shown to interact with the endocrine system of birds. However, the relationship between …