Does urbanization cause stress in wild birds during development? Insights from feather corticosterone levels in juvenile house sparrows (Passer domesticus)

E Beaugeard, F Brischoux, PY Henry… - Ecology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Urban landscapes are associated with abiotic and biotic environmental changes that may
result in potential stressors for wild vertebrates. Urban exploiters have physiological …

The decline of the Turtle Dove: Dietary associations with body condition and competition with other columbids analysed using high‐throughput sequencing

JC Dunn, JE Stockdale, RJ Moorhouse‐Gann… - Molecular …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Dietary changes linked to the availability of anthropogenic food resources can have complex
implications for species and ecosystems, especially when species are in decline. Here, we …

Across the North Pacific, dietary-induced stress of breeding rhinoceros auklets increases with high summer Pacific Decadal Oscillation index

U Shimabukuro, A Takahashi, J Okado… - Marine Ecology …, 2023 -
Multi-colony studies of breeding seabirds may provide insights into the mechanistic links
between large-scale climate variability and local changes in prey availability. In the North …

Individual foraging location, but not dietary, specialization: implications for rhinoceros auklets as samplers of forage fish

JT Cunningham, KH Elliott, K Cottenie… - Marine Ecology …, 2018 -
Forage fish are ecologically important to the marine environment, creating a wasp-waist
trophic structure whereby many piscivorous diets are composed of a low diversity of mid …

Of 11 candidate steroids, corticosterone concentration standardized for mass is the most reliable steroid biomarker of nutritional stress across different feather types

A Will, K Wynne‐Edwards, R Zhou… - Ecology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Measuring corticosterone in feathers has become an informative tool in avian ecology,
enabling researchers to investigate carry‐over effects and responses to environmental …

Lifetime variation in feather corticosterone levels in a long-lived raptor

L López-Jiménez, J Blas, A Tanferna, S Cabezas… - Oecologia, 2017 - Springer
In long-lived animals, the challenges that threaten individual homeostasis, and the way they
are dealt with, are expected to vary in an age-related manner, encompassing the …

Prospects and pitfalls of using feathers as a temporal archive of stress events and environmental pollutants: a review and case study

K Ganz, D Jenny, T Kraemer, L Jenni… - Journal of …, 2018 - Springer
Methods to assess environmental pollution and stress responses in birds with scarcely
invasive or non-invasive sampling are highly sought after in ecology and conservation. For …

Feathers as integrated archives of environmental stress: Direct and indirect effects of metal exposure and dietary ecology on physiological stress in a terrestrial raptor

E Hansen, JO Bustnes, D Herzke, G Bangjord… - Science of the Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Metal pollution is a global environmental issue with adverse biological effects on wildlife.
Long-term studies that span declines in metal emissions due to regulation, resulting in …

Physical condition and stress levels during early development reflect feeding rates and predict pre-and post-fledging survival in a nearshore seabird

JS Lamb, KM O'Reilly, PGR Jodice - Conservation Physiology, 2016 -
The effects of acute environmental stressors on reproduction in wildlife are often difficult to
measure because of the labour and disturbance involved in collecting accurate reproductive …

Can variability in corticosterone levels be related to POPs and OPEs in feathers from nestling cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus)?

L Monclús, M Lopez-Bejar, J De la Puente… - Science of The Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are still globally distributed and some have been
shown to interact with the endocrine system of birds. However, the relationship between …