Experimental tests on strengthening strategies for masonry infill walls: A literature review
The masonry infill walls' seismic behaviour is being characterized by extensive damages
and out-of-plane (OOP) collapses due to combined in-plane and OOP loading demands …
and out-of-plane (OOP) collapses due to combined in-plane and OOP loading demands …
Out-of-plane behavior of masonry infilled RC frames based on the experimental tests available: A systematic review
The primary objective of this manuscript is to present a systematic review of experimental
studies regarding infill masonry walls out-of-plane (OOP) behaviour. An extended database …
studies regarding infill masonry walls out-of-plane (OOP) behaviour. An extended database …
Acquiring reference parameters of masonry for the structural performance analysis of historical buildings
The structural performance of historical masonry elements can be understood provided the
following factors are known: geometry; the characteristics of its masonry texture and …
following factors are known: geometry; the characteristics of its masonry texture and …
Displacement capacity of contemporary unreinforced masonry walls: an experimental study
A research project on the displacement capacity of contemporary unreinforced masonry
(URM) walls is underway at the Institute of Structural Engineering of ETH Zurich. The …
(URM) walls is underway at the Institute of Structural Engineering of ETH Zurich. The …
In-plane behavior of clay masonry walls: experimental testing and finite-element modeling
Extensive experimental research aimed at defining the in-plane cyclic behavior of three
types of load-bearing masonry walls, assembled with perforated clay units, and various …
types of load-bearing masonry walls, assembled with perforated clay units, and various …
Testing and modelling the in-plane seismic response of clay brick masonry walls with boundary columns made of precast concrete interlocking blocks
Post-earthquake evidence indicates that traditional rural masonry structures in China do not
perform well when subjected to large intensity ground shaking. Because common cast-in …
perform well when subjected to large intensity ground shaking. Because common cast-in …
Vertically perforated clay brick masonry for loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry walls
The work presented in this paper deals with the development of a solution for structural
masonry walls to be used in zones with different seismic hazard and also a solution for …
masonry walls to be used in zones with different seismic hazard and also a solution for …
Recent findings and open issues concerning the seismic behaviour of masonry infill walls in RC buildings
A Furtado, M Teresa de Risi - Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The extension of the damages observed after the last major earthquakes shows that the
seismic risk mitigation of infilled reinforced concrete structures is a paramount topic in …
seismic risk mitigation of infilled reinforced concrete structures is a paramount topic in …
Seismic performance of different masonry buildings: full-scale experimental study
Full-scale single-room masonry buildings of different typology, ie, unreinforced (URM),
reinforced (RM) and Confined Masonry (CM) were tested under cyclic loading in quasi-static …
reinforced (RM) and Confined Masonry (CM) were tested under cyclic loading in quasi-static …
2011 Van earthquakes: lessons from damaged masonry structures
R Oyguc, E Oyguc - Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2017 - ascelibrary.org
Abstract On October 23 and November 9, 2011, two earthquakes struck the Van Province in
eastern Turkey. Masonry buildings in the region were severely damaged. This paper …
eastern Turkey. Masonry buildings in the region were severely damaged. This paper …