Phytoplasma diseases of medicinal and aromatic plants
C Marcone, MG Bellardi, A Bertaccini - Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016 - JSTOR
Medicinal and aromatic plants include a broad array of wild and cultivated plants which
contain many biologically-active compounds, known as phytochemicals, that are of great …
contain many biologically-active compounds, known as phytochemicals, that are of great …
Plant virus detection and diagnosis: progress and challenges
N Yadav, SMP Khurana - Frontier discoveries and innovations in …, 2016 - Springer
The production of healthy planting material requires robust diagnostic procedures. The
advancements of the molecular virology and biotechnology have witnessed major …
advancements of the molecular virology and biotechnology have witnessed major …
[PDF][PDF] Molecular detection and characterization of phytoplasma in association with begomovirus in eggplant.
V Venkataravanappa, HC Prasanna… - Acta …, 2018 -
The samples from eggplants showing mixed symptoms of little leaf and mosaic were
collected from two districts (Mirzapur and Varanasi) of Uttar Pradesh, India. The total nucleic …
collected from two districts (Mirzapur and Varanasi) of Uttar Pradesh, India. The total nucleic …
First report of mixed infection of phytoplasmas and begomoviruses in eggplant in India
Symptoms associated with yellows disease of eggplants were observed in fields of Meerut
district of India. Total DNA extracted from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants was …
district of India. Total DNA extracted from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants was …
The role of corchorus in spreading of tomato yellow leaf curl virus on tomato in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
SS Sohrab - VirusDisease, 2016 - Springer
Corchorus (Corchorus capsularis L. and Corchorus olitorius L.) is one of the most important
fiber crops grown in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. Field survey was …
fiber crops grown in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. Field survey was …
Duplex PCR assay for detection of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus and peanut witches' broom phytoplasma in chickpea
A duplex PCR assay was standardized by optimizing PCR reaction constituents and cycles
for the simultaneous detection of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV) and a peanut …
for the simultaneous detection of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV) and a peanut …
Improvement in molecular detection of phytoplasma associated with rose by selection of suitable primers and development of a multiplex PCR assay
Sensitive and effective phytoplasma DNA amplification in symptomatic rose cultivars is a
long unresolved problem. In the present study, improvement in standardization for PCR …
long unresolved problem. In the present study, improvement in standardization for PCR …
[HTML][HTML] PCR anidado múltiple para detección de fitoplasmas y begomovirus identificados en cultivos de soya en Cuba
RM Leyva Martínez, ML Quiñones Pantoja… - Revista de Protección …, 2019 -
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue desarrollar un ensayo de PCR múltiple anidado para la
detección simultánea de fitoplasmas y los begomovirus identificados en cultivos de soya en …
detección simultánea de fitoplasmas y los begomovirus identificados en cultivos de soya en …
[PDF][PDF] Characterization of trypanosomes and determination of trypanosome immunogenic proteins in cattle in Ghana
JA Ofori - 2018 -
Livestock production is one of the farming systems and has a great impact on food and
economic security in most develo** countries. Animal African trypanosomiasis is a major …
economic security in most develo** countries. Animal African trypanosomiasis is a major …
[PDF][PDF] Evidence of a mixed infection of Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii and a Begomovirus in Eggplan (Solanum melongena)
Symptoms associated with eggplant little leaf and leaf curl disease of eggplant was
observed in the fields of Meerut district of Western Uttar Pradesh, India. Total DNA extracted …
observed in the fields of Meerut district of Western Uttar Pradesh, India. Total DNA extracted …