Using declarative specification to improve the understanding, extensibility, and comparison of model-inference algorithms
It is a staple development practice to log system behavior. Numerous powerful model-
inference algorithms have been proposed to aid developers in log analysis and system …
inference algorithms have been proposed to aid developers in log analysis and system …
Timed k-tail: Automatic inference of timed automata
Accurate and up-to-date models describing the behavior of software systems are seldom
available in practice. To address this issue, software engineers may use specification mining …
available in practice. To address this issue, software engineers may use specification mining …
Gk-tail+ an efficient approach to learn software models
Inferring models of program behavior from execution samples can provide useful information
about a system, also in the increasingly common case of systems that evolve and adapt in …
about a system, also in the increasingly common case of systems that evolve and adapt in …
Runtime verification on abstract finite state models
Finite-state models are ubiquitous in the study of concurrent systems, especially controllers
and servers that operate in a repetitive cycle. In this paper, we show how to extract finite …
and servers that operate in a repetitive cycle. In this paper, we show how to extract finite …
TLV: abstraction through testing, learning, and validation
A (Java) class provides a service to its clients (ie, programs which use the class). The
service must satisfy certain specifications. Different specifications might be expected at …
service must satisfy certain specifications. Different specifications might be expected at …
FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future internet applications
Since our society is becoming increasingly dependent on applications emerging on the
Future Internet, quality of these applications becomes a matter that cannot be neglected …
Future Internet, quality of these applications becomes a matter that cannot be neglected …
TkT: Automatic inference of timed and extended pushdown automata
To mitigate the cost of manually producing and maintaining models capturing software
specifications, specification mining techniques can be exploited to automatically derive up-to …
specifications, specification mining techniques can be exploited to automatically derive up-to …
The FITTEST tool suite for testing future internet applications
Future Internet applications are expected to be much more complex and powerful, by
exploiting various dynamic capabilities For testing, this is very challenging, as it means that …
exploiting various dynamic capabilities For testing, this is very challenging, as it means that …
In-the-field monitoring of functional calls: Is it feasible?
Collecting data about the sequences of function calls executed by an application while
running in the field can be useful to a number of applications, including failure reproduction …
running in the field can be useful to a number of applications, including failure reproduction …
Field monitoring with delayed saving
Field monitoring techniques can collect data about the behavior of software applications
while running in the field, with real users and real data. Developers can exploit the …
while running in the field, with real users and real data. Developers can exploit the …