Manipulation of molecules with electromagnetic fields
The goal of the present article is to review the major developments that have led to the
current understanding of molecule–field interactions and experimental methods for …
current understanding of molecule–field interactions and experimental methods for …
Advances in intense femtosecond laser filamentation in air
This is a review of some recent development in femtosecond filamentation science with
emphasis on our collective work. Previously reviewed work in the field will not be discussed …
emphasis on our collective work. Previously reviewed work in the field will not be discussed …
Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals
Single-electron wavefunctions, or orbitals, are the mathematical constructs used to describe
the multi-electron wavefunction of molecules. Because the highest-lying orbitals are …
the multi-electron wavefunction of molecules. Because the highest-lying orbitals are …
Empirical formula for static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules by lasers in the barrier-suppression regime
We propose an empirical formula for the static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules
by extending the well-known analytical tunnelling ionization rates to the barrier-suppression …
by extending the well-known analytical tunnelling ionization rates to the barrier-suppression …
Quantum interference during high-order harmonic generation from aligned molecules
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) from atoms and molecules offers potential
application as a coherent ultrashort radiation source in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray …
application as a coherent ultrashort radiation source in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray …
Molecular orientation and alignment by intense single-cycle THz pulses
Intense single-cycle THz pulses resonantly interacting with molecular rotations are shown to
induce field-free orientation and alignment under ambient conditions. We calculate and …
induce field-free orientation and alignment under ambient conditions. We calculate and …
Direct Measurement of the Angular Dependence of Ionization for , , and <?format ?>in Intense Laser Fields
D Pavičić, KF Lee, DM Rayner, PB Corkum… - Physical review …, 2007 - APS
We experimentally measure the ionization probability as a function of alignment angle of
three molecules in intense laser fields: nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Unlike atoms …
three molecules in intense laser fields: nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Unlike atoms …
Attosecond physics
A Scrinzi, MY Ivanov, R Kienberger… - Journal of Physics B …, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
Experiments on the sub-femtosecond time scale performed in recent years and their
theoretical background are reviewed in this article. We present the essentials of the …
theoretical background are reviewed in this article. We present the essentials of the …
Field-free orientation of CO molecules by femtosecond two-color laser fields
We report the first experimental observation of nonadiabatic field-free orientation of a
heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) …
heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) …
Direct imaging of rotational wave-packet dynamics of diatomic molecules
PW Dooley, IV Litvinyuk, KF Lee, DM Rayner… - Physical Review A, 2003 - APS
We use linearly polarized 45 fs pulses to create rotational wave packets in N 2 and O 2. We
Coulomb explode molecules with a high-intensity circularly polarized pulse and use an ion …
Coulomb explode molecules with a high-intensity circularly polarized pulse and use an ion …