Manipulation of molecules with electromagnetic fields

M Lemeshko, RV Krems, JM Doyle, S Kais - Molecular Physics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The goal of the present article is to review the major developments that have led to the
current understanding of molecule–field interactions and experimental methods for …

Advances in intense femtosecond laser filamentation in air

SL Chin, TJ Wang, C Marceau, J Wu, JS Liu… - Laser Physics, 2012 - Springer
This is a review of some recent development in femtosecond filamentation science with
emphasis on our collective work. Previously reviewed work in the field will not be discussed …

Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals

J Itatani, J Levesque, D Zeidler, H Niikura, H Pépin… - Nature, 2004 -
Single-electron wavefunctions, or orbitals, are the mathematical constructs used to describe
the multi-electron wavefunction of molecules. Because the highest-lying orbitals are …

Empirical formula for static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules by lasers in the barrier-suppression regime

XM Tong, CD Lin - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2005 -
We propose an empirical formula for the static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules
by extending the well-known analytical tunnelling ionization rates to the barrier-suppression …

Quantum interference during high-order harmonic generation from aligned molecules

T Kanai, S Minemoto, H Sakai - Nature, 2005 -
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) from atoms and molecules offers potential
application as a coherent ultrashort radiation source in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray …

Molecular orientation and alignment by intense single-cycle THz pulses

S Fleischer, Y Zhou, RW Field, KA Nelson - Physical Review Letters, 2011 - APS
Intense single-cycle THz pulses resonantly interacting with molecular rotations are shown to
induce field-free orientation and alignment under ambient conditions. We calculate and …

Direct Measurement of the Angular Dependence of Ionization for , , and <?format ?>in Intense Laser Fields

D Pavičić, KF Lee, DM Rayner, PB Corkum… - Physical review …, 2007 - APS
We experimentally measure the ionization probability as a function of alignment angle of
three molecules in intense laser fields: nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Unlike atoms …

Attosecond physics

A Scrinzi, MY Ivanov, R Kienberger… - Journal of Physics B …, 2005 -
Experiments on the sub-femtosecond time scale performed in recent years and their
theoretical background are reviewed in this article. We present the essentials of the …

Field-free orientation of CO molecules by femtosecond two-color laser fields

S De, I Znakovskaya, D Ray, F Anis, NG Johnson… - Physical review …, 2009 - APS
We report the first experimental observation of nonadiabatic field-free orientation of a
heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) …

Direct imaging of rotational wave-packet dynamics of diatomic molecules

PW Dooley, IV Litvinyuk, KF Lee, DM Rayner… - Physical Review A, 2003 - APS
We use linearly polarized 45 fs pulses to create rotational wave packets in N 2 and O 2. We
Coulomb explode molecules with a high-intensity circularly polarized pulse and use an ion …