[HTML][HTML] An updated review of ciguatera fish poisoning: clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and public health management
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is the most frequently reported seafood-toxin illness in the
world. It causes substantial human health, social, and economic impacts. The illness …
world. It causes substantial human health, social, and economic impacts. The illness …
Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis: Reassessment of the state of knowledge of their taxonomy, geography, ecophysiology, and toxicology
Of the known benthic, toxigenic microalgae, species from the genera, Gambierdiscus and
Ostreopsis, present the biggest threats to human and environmental health. Gambierdiscus …
Ostreopsis, present the biggest threats to human and environmental health. Gambierdiscus …
Global distribution of ciguatera causing dinoflagellates in the genus Gambierdiscus
Dinoflagellates in the genus Gambierdiscus produce toxins that bioaccumulate in tropical
and sub-tropical fishes causing ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP). Little is known about the …
and sub-tropical fishes causing ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP). Little is known about the …
[PDF][PDF] Identifying harmful marine dinoflagellates
MA Faust, RA Gulledge - 2002 - repository.si.edu
ABSTRACT Faust, Maria A. and Rose A. GuUedge. Identifying Harmful Marine
Dinoflagellates. Smithsonian Contributions from the United States National Herbarium …
Dinoflagellates. Smithsonian Contributions from the United States National Herbarium …
The presence of the potentially toxic genera Ostreopsis and Coolia (Dinophyceae) in the North Aegean Sea, Greece
The examination of macrophyte, water and sediment samples, collected at depths less than
1.5 m from 50 different sites along the North Aegean coasts, has revealed, for the first time in …
1.5 m from 50 different sites along the North Aegean coasts, has revealed, for the first time in …
Taxonomy and phylogeny of the benthic Prorocentrum species (Dinophyceae)—A proposal and review
Based on a literature review and new morphological and molecular phylogenetic data, a
summary of all described benthic Prorocentrum species is presented. Short descriptions of …
summary of all described benthic Prorocentrum species is presented. Short descriptions of …
Recent insights about relationships between nutrient availability, forms, and stoichiometry, and the distribution, ecophysiology, and food web effects of pelagic and …
The genus Prorocentrum includes six planktonic species that form high-biomass blooms,
and at least nine predominantly benthic toxigenic species. Four of the plankters, including P …
and at least nine predominantly benthic toxigenic species. Four of the plankters, including P …
A survey of epiphytic dinoflagellates from the coastal waters of the island of Hawai 'i
Three hundred and sixty-nine macroalgal and non-algal samples were collected from six
coastal sites around the island of Hawai 'i on a biweekly basis over a 1-year period to …
coastal sites around the island of Hawai 'i on a biweekly basis over a 1-year period to …
Seawater temperature, Gambierdiscus spp. variability and incidence of ciguatera poisoning in French Polynesia
In the context of global warming and climate change, ciguatera disease is put forward as an
indicator of environmental disturbance. However, to validate this indicator, some unknown …
indicator of environmental disturbance. However, to validate this indicator, some unknown …
Seasonal changes of benthic and epiphytic dinoflagellates in the Veracruz reef zone, Gulf of Mexico
Benthic/epiphytic dinoflagellates were monitored every 2 wk from May to December 2005 in
the Veracruz reef zone, Gulf of Mexico. This assemblage was characterized by low species …
the Veracruz reef zone, Gulf of Mexico. This assemblage was characterized by low species …