From curse to cure of workplace ostracism: A systematic review and future research agenda
N Sharma, RL Dhar - Human Resource Management Review, 2022 - Elsevier
Workplace ostracism is mistreatment in disguise that has spread its roots deep into
organizations. This research has a threefold purpose. Firstly, to shed light on its seriousness …
organizations. This research has a threefold purpose. Firstly, to shed light on its seriousness …
To omit or to include? Integrating the frugal and prolific perspectives on control variable use
Over the recent years, two perspectives on control variable use have emerged in
management research: the first originates largely from within the management discipline …
management research: the first originates largely from within the management discipline …
Effect of supervisor incivility: Role of internal whistleblowing as a co** mechanism by hotel employees
S Srivastava, P Madan, TT Luu - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Leveraging the Affective Events theory, the study attempts to investigate the
relationship between supervisor incivility and internal whistleblowing among hotel …
relationship between supervisor incivility and internal whistleblowing among hotel …
What we (do not) know about punishment across organizational boundaries
Though organizational scholars have studied punishment for decades, recent examples of
punishment in organizations cannot be fully explained by the scholarly literature. This may …
punishment in organizations cannot be fully explained by the scholarly literature. This may …
A multigroup SEM analysis of the antecedents and moderating influence of culture on workplace deviance behavior
Purpose Antecedents and outcomes of workplace deviance have been studied over the past
few decades but there is still a lack of research from an organizational climate, witness and …
few decades but there is still a lack of research from an organizational climate, witness and …
An ecological momentary assessment study to investigate individuals' reactions to perceived social exclusion
Most psychological research on social exclusion mainly focused on maximizing internal
validity (eg, controlling for confounding variables). However, maximizing external validity to …
validity (eg, controlling for confounding variables). However, maximizing external validity to …
Holding abusive managers in contempt: Why and when experienced abusive supervision motivates enacted interpersonal justice toward subordinates
Whereas past research on the trickle-down diffusion of abusive supervision has
demonstrated that abused supervisors often translate the abuse that they experience from …
demonstrated that abused supervisors often translate the abuse that they experience from …
Whistleblower as activist and exile: The case of Edward Snowden
Whistleblowing is an important form of radical political activism, influencing social reform by
fundamentally changing the way we see our world. This article contributes to …
fundamentally changing the way we see our world. This article contributes to …
The silent struggle: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis of workplace ostracism
Purpose The review paper aims to understand the development of workplace ostracism as a
field in organizational studies from 2000 to the present. The study provides a comprehensive …
field in organizational studies from 2000 to the present. The study provides a comprehensive …
Psychosocial and behavioural consequences of ostracism across contexts
Ostracism (being ignored and excluded) thwarts basic psychological needs fundamental for
human survival. As a painful experience, ostracism has various mental health, cognitive and …
human survival. As a painful experience, ostracism has various mental health, cognitive and …