Unravelling the complexity of Apenninic extensional fault systems: A review of the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (Central Apennines, Italy)

L Chiaraluce - Journal of Structural Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
The 2009 L'Aquila sequence activated a normal fault system 50 km long in the Central
Apennines, composed of two main NW-trending faults 12–16 km long: the main high angle …

The 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) MW6.3 earthquake: Main shock and aftershocks

C Chiarabba, A Amato, M Anselmi… - Geophysical …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
A MW 6.3 earthquake struck on April 6, 2009 the Abruzzi region (central Italy) producing vast
damage in the L'Aquila town and surroundings. In this paper we present the location and …

Fault segmentation as constraint to the occurrence of the main shocks of the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence

A Pizzi, A Di Domenica, F Gallovič, L Luzi, R Puglia - Tectonics, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We perform the finite‐extent fault inversion of the three main events of the 2016 Central Italy
seismic sequence using near‐source strong motion records. We demonstrate that both …

An outline of the geology of the Northern Apennines (Italy), with geological map at 1: 250,000 scale

P Conti, G Cornamusini… - Italian Journal of …, 2020 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
An outline of the geology of the Italian Northern Apennines, to accompany a geological map
at 1: 250,000 scale covering the Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Tuscany and Umbria regions, is …

Complex Fault Geometry and Rupture Dynamics of the MW 6.5, 30 October 2016, Central Italy Earthquake

L Scognamiglio, E Tinti, E Casarotti… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract We study the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake (MW 6.5) to retrieve the rupture
history by jointly inverting seismograms and coseismic Global Positioning System …

Multi-segment rupture of the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence (central Italy) constrained by the first high-quality catalog of Early Aftershocks

L Improta, D Latorre, L Margheriti, A Nardi… - Scientific Reports, 2019 - nature.com
We present the first high-quality catalog of early aftershocks of the three mainshocks of the
2016 central Italy Amatrice-Visso-Norcia normal faulting sequence. We located 10,574 …

Pre-existing cross-structures and active fault segmentation in the northern-central Apennines (Italy)

A Pizzi, F Galadini - Tectonophysics, 2009 - Elsevier
The multideformed axial zone of the Apennines provides a great opportunity to explore the
influence of pre-existing cross-structures (inherited from pre-Quaternary tectonic phases) on …

Fine‐scale structure of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence from data recorded at the Italian National Network

M Michele, L Chiaraluce, R Di Stefano… - Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We explore the three‐dimensional structure of the 2016–2017 Central Italy sequence using~
34,000 ML≥ 1.5 earthquakes that occurred between August 2016 and January 2018. We …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of subsurface geology on the distribution of earthquakes during the 2016‐–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

MR Barchi, F Carboni, M Michele, M Ercoli, C Giorgetti… - Tectonophysics, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract In 2016–2017, a destructive sequence of earthquakes affected a wide portion of
Central Italy, activating a complex, 80-km long system of SW-dip** normal faults and …

Faults geometry and the role of fluids in the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

C Chiarabba, P De Gori, M Cattaneo… - Geophysical …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence ruptured overlap** normal faults
of the Apennines mountain chain, in nine earthquakes with magnitude Mw> 5 within a few …