Cultural influences on memory

AH Gutchess, A Indeck - Progress in brain research, 2009 - Elsevier
Research reveals dramatic differences in the ways that people from different cultures
perceive the world around them. Individuals from Western cultures tend to focus on that …

Memory and political change: Introduction

A Assmann, L Shortt - Memory and political change, 2012 - Springer
Over the last 25 years we have been able to witness how countries that maintained brutal
dictatorships and bred bloody genocides chose to set an end to oppression, violence or …

Interference by process, not content, determines semantic auditory distraction

JE Marsh, RW Hughes, DM Jones - Cognition, 2009 - Elsevier
Distraction by irrelevant background sound of visually-based cognitive tasks illustrates the
vulnerability of attentional selectivity across modalities. Four experiments centred on …

Trusting our memories: dissociating the neural correlates of confidence in veridical versus illusory memories

H Kim, R Cabeza - Journal of Neuroscience, 2007 -
Although memory confidence and accuracy tend to be positively correlated, people
sometimes remember with high confidence events that never happened. How can …

Auditory distraction in semantic memory: A process-based approach

JE Marsh, RW Hughes, DM Jones - Journal of memory and language, 2008 - Elsevier
Five experiments demonstrate auditory-semantic distraction in tests of memory for semantic
category-exemplars. The effects of irrelevant sound on category-exemplar recall are shown …

Age-related differences in brain activity during true and false memory retrieval

NA Dennis, H Kim, R Cabeza - Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2008 -
Compared to young adults, older adults show not only a reduction in true memories but also
an increase in false memories. We investigated the neural bases of these age effects using …

Effects of aging on true and false memory formation: An fMRI study

NA Dennis, H Kim, R Cabeza - Neuropsychologia, 2007 - Elsevier
Compared to young, older adults are more likely to forget events that occurred in the past as
well as remember events that never happened. Previous studies examining false memories …

A typical participation of visual cortex during word processing in autism: An fMRI study of semantic decision

MS Gaffrey, NM Kleinhans, F Haist, N Akshoomoff… - Neuropsychologia, 2007 - Elsevier
Language delay and impairment are salient features of autism. More specifically, there is
evidence of atypical semantic organization in autism, but the functional brain correlates are …

Overlap** brain activity between episodic memory encoding and retrieval: roles of the task-positive and task-negative networks

H Kim, SM Daselaar, R Cabeza - Neuroimage, 2010 - Elsevier
The notion that the brain is organized into two complementary networks, one that is task-
positive and supports externally-oriented processing, and the other that is task-negative and …

The cognitive neuroscience of aging and culture

D Park, A Gutchess - Current directions in psychological …, 2006 -
Research into the cognitive neuroscience of aging has revealed exciting and unexpected
changes to the brain over the lifespan. However, studies have mostly been conducted on …