Contemporary advances in multi-access edge computing: A survey of fundamentals, architecture, technologies, deployment cases, security, challenges, and directions
With advancements of cloud technologies Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) emerged as
a remarkable edge-cloud technology to provide computing facilities to resource-restrained …
a remarkable edge-cloud technology to provide computing facilities to resource-restrained …
Latency minimization for intelligent reflecting surface aided mobile edge computing
Computation off-loading in mobile edge computing (MEC) systems constitutes an efficient
paradigm of supporting resource-intensive applications on mobile devices. However, the …
paradigm of supporting resource-intensive applications on mobile devices. However, the …
Distributed machine learning for multiuser mobile edge computing systems
In this paper, we investigate a distributed machine learning approach for a multiuser mobile
edge computing (MEC) network in a cognitive eavesdrop** environment, where multiple …
edge computing (MEC) network in a cognitive eavesdrop** environment, where multiple …
Dependent task scheduling and offloading for minimizing deadline violation ratio in mobile edge computing networks
This paper considers computation offloading for mobile applications with task-dependency
requirements in mobile edge computing (MEC) systems. Based on the online arrival patterns …
requirements in mobile edge computing (MEC) systems. Based on the online arrival patterns …
Partial computation offloading in NOMA-assisted mobile-edge computing systems using deep reinforcement learning
Mobile-edge computing (MEC) and nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) have been
regarded as promising technologies for beyond fifth-generation (B5G) and sixth-generation …
regarded as promising technologies for beyond fifth-generation (B5G) and sixth-generation …
Joint MIMO precoding and computation resource allocation for dual-function radar and communication systems with mobile edge computing
In this paper, an integrated communication, radar sensing, and mobile-edge computing
(CRMEC) architecture is developed, where user terminals (UTs) perform radar sensing and …
(CRMEC) architecture is developed, where user terminals (UTs) perform radar sensing and …
Dynamic transmission and computation resource optimization for dense LEO satellite assisted mobile-edge computing
A dense satellite-terrestrial integrated mobile-edge computing network (SATIMECN)
architecture is developed to meet the computing demands for next generation networks. We …
architecture is developed to meet the computing demands for next generation networks. We …
Multi-tier hybrid offloading for computation-aware IoT applications in civil aircraft-augmented SAGIN
Satellites and civil aircrafts (CAs) with computing ability are valuable access platforms,
making it possible for Internet of Things (IoT) devices to offload their computation-intensive …
making it possible for Internet of Things (IoT) devices to offload their computation-intensive …
Cooperative computation offloading and resource allocation for delay minimization in mobile edge computing
Mobile edge computing (MEC) is a promising paradigm, which brings computation
resources in proximity to mobile devices and allows the tasks of mobile devices to be …
resources in proximity to mobile devices and allows the tasks of mobile devices to be …
Cooperative transmission scheduling and computation offloading with collaboration of fog and cloud for industrial IoT applications
Energy consumption for large amounts of delay-sensitive applications brings serious
challenges with the continuous development and diversity of Industrial Internet of Things …
challenges with the continuous development and diversity of Industrial Internet of Things …