Learning optimal classification trees using a binary linear program formulation
We provide a new formulation for the problem of learning the optimal classification tree of a
given depth as a binary linear program. A limitation of previously proposed Mathematical …
given depth as a binary linear program. A limitation of previously proposed Mathematical …
[ספר][B] Data mining: concepts and techniques
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Fourth Edition introduces concepts, principles, and
methods for mining patterns, knowledge, and models from various kinds of data for diverse …
methods for mining patterns, knowledge, and models from various kinds of data for diverse …
[HTML][HTML] Synergies between machine learning and reasoning-An introduction by the Kay R. Amel group
This paper proposes a tentative and original survey of meeting points between Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KRR) and Machine Learning (ML), two areas which have …
Representation and Reasoning (KRR) and Machine Learning (ML), two areas which have …
Itemset mining: A constraint programming perspective
The field of data mining has become accustomed to specifying constraints on patterns of
interest. A large number of systems and techniques has been developed for solving such …
interest. A large number of systems and techniques has been developed for solving such …
[HTML][HTML] Constrained clustering by constraint programming
Constrained Clustering allows to make the clustering task more accurate by integrating user
constraints, which can be instance-level or cluster-level constraints. Few works consider the …
constraints, which can be instance-level or cluster-level constraints. Few works consider the …
[HTML][HTML] Empirical decision model learning
One of the biggest challenges in the design of real-world decision support systems is
coming up with a good combinatorial optimization model. Often enough, accurate predictive …
coming up with a good combinatorial optimization model. Often enough, accurate predictive …
Learning decision trees with flexible constraints and objectives using integer optimization
We encode the problem of learning the optimal decision tree of a given depth as an integer
optimization problem. We show experimentally that our method (DTIP) can be used to learn …
optimization problem. We show experimentally that our method (DTIP) can be used to learn …
An empirical study on real bugs for machine learning programs
Due to the availability of various open source Machine Learning (ML) tools and libraries,
developers nowadays can easily implement their purposes by just invoking machine …
developers nowadays can easily implement their purposes by just invoking machine …
[HTML][HTML] Auction optimization using regression trees and linear models as integer programs
In a sequential auction with multiple bidding agents, the problem of determining the ordering
of the items to sell in order to maximize the expected revenue is highly challenging. The …
of the items to sell in order to maximize the expected revenue is highly challenging. The …
RDF shape induction using knowledge base profiling
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are becoming the core of most artificial intelligent and cognitive
applications. Popular KGs such as DBpedia and Wikidata have chosen the RDF data model …
applications. Popular KGs such as DBpedia and Wikidata have chosen the RDF data model …