Fractional charge and fractional statistics in the quantum Hall effects
DE Feldman, BI Halperin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Quasiparticles with fractional charge and fractional statistics are key features of the fractional
quantum Hall effect. We discuss in detail the definitions of fractional charge and statistics …
quantum Hall effect. We discuss in detail the definitions of fractional charge and statistics …
Fabry-Pérot Interferometry at the Fractional Quantum Hall State
Electronic Fabry-Pérot interferometry is a powerful method to probe quasiparticle charge
and anyonic braiding statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We extend this …
and anyonic braiding statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. We extend this …
Anyon braiding and telegraph noise in a graphene interferometer
The search for anyons, quasiparticles with fractional charge and exotic exchange statistics,
has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Quantum Hall interferometers enable …
has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Quantum Hall interferometers enable …
Strongly coupled edge states in a graphene quantum Hall interferometer
Electronic interferometers using the chiral, one-dimensional (1D) edge channels of the
quantum Hall effect (QHE) can demonstrate a wealth of fundamental phenomena. The …
quantum Hall effect (QHE) can demonstrate a wealth of fundamental phenomena. The …
Emission and coherent control of levitons in graphene
Flying qubits encode quantum information in propagating modes instead of stationary
discrete states. Although photonic flying qubits are available, the weak interaction between …
discrete states. Although photonic flying qubits are available, the weak interaction between …
Extracting the scaling dimension of quantum Hall quasiparticles from current correlations
Fractional quantum Hall quasiparticles are generally characterized by two quantum
numbers: electric charge Q and scaling dimension Δ. For the simplest states (such as the …
numbers: electric charge Q and scaling dimension Δ. For the simplest states (such as the …
Observation of the scaling dimension of fractional quantum Hall anyons
Unconventional quasiparticles emerging in the fractional quantum Hall regime, present the
challenge of observing their exotic properties unambiguously. Although the fractional charge …
challenge of observing their exotic properties unambiguously. Although the fractional charge …
Impact of bulk-edge coupling on observation of anyonic braiding statistics in quantum Hall interferometers
Quantum Hall interferometers have been used to probe fractional charge and statistics of
quasiparticles. We present measurements of a small Fabry–Perot interferometer in which the …
quasiparticles. We present measurements of a small Fabry–Perot interferometer in which the …
Measuring topological entanglement entropy using Maxwell relations
Topological entanglement entropy (TEE) is a key diagnostic of topological order, allowing
one to detect the presence of Abelian or non-Abelian anyons. However, there are currently …
one to detect the presence of Abelian or non-Abelian anyons. However, there are currently …
Spin-selective equilibration among integer quantum Hall edge channels
The equilibration between quantum Hall edge modes is known to depend on the disorder
potential and the steepness of the edge. Modern samples with higher mobilities and setups …
potential and the steepness of the edge. Modern samples with higher mobilities and setups …