Recent developments in BaTiO3 based lead-free materials for energy storage applications
A Jain, YG Wang, LN Shi - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022 - Elsevier
The rapid rise in energy consumption in the last few years and low emission requirements
have inspired many researchers to develop highly efficient environment-friendly green …
have inspired many researchers to develop highly efficient environment-friendly green …
(Ba, Sr) TiO3/polymer dielectric composites–progress and perspective
This paper reviews recent developments and challenges of (Ba, Sr) TiO 3/polymer functional
composites. The microstructure of barium-strontium titanate (Ba, Sr) TiO 3 (BST)/polymer …
composites. The microstructure of barium-strontium titanate (Ba, Sr) TiO 3 (BST)/polymer …
Electrical properties and conduction mechanisms of Ba0. 75Sr0. 25Ti1-xZrxO3 ceramics synthesized by sol-gel route
A series of Ba 0.75 Sr 0.25 Ti 1-x Zr x O 3 (x= 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.1) ceramics were
synthesized via a facile sol-gel route. The confirmation of a tetragonal structure was …
synthesized via a facile sol-gel route. The confirmation of a tetragonal structure was …
Exchange‐interaction‐like behavior in ferroelectric bilayers
Interlayer coupling in materials, such as exchange interactions at the interface between an
antiferromagnet and a ferromagnet, can produce exotic phenomena not present in the …
antiferromagnet and a ferromagnet, can produce exotic phenomena not present in the …
Tuning the dielectric, ferroelectric and electromechanical properties of Ba0. 83Ca0. 10Sr0. 07TiO3–MnFe2O4 multiferroic composites
A Jain, YG Wang, N Wang, Y Li, FL Wang - Ceramics International, 2020 - Elsevier
We report the successful synthesis of Ba 0.83 Ca 0.10 Sr 0.07 TiO 3–MnFe 2 O 4 multiferroic
composites showing significant improvement in electromechanical and magnetoelectric …
composites showing significant improvement in electromechanical and magnetoelectric …
Synergetic effect of rare-earths do** on the microstructural and electrical properties of Sr and Ca co-doped BaTiO3 nanoparticles
Single-phase BST-BCT ceramic doped with different rare-earth materials (La, Gd, Dy, and
Yb) have been prepared using a modified mechano-chemical activation technique. The …
Yb) have been prepared using a modified mechano-chemical activation technique. The …
Dielectric, ferroelectric and energy storage properties of lead-free (1-x) Ba0. 9Sr0. 1TiO3-xBi (Zn0. 5Zr0. 5) O3 ferroelectric ceramics sintered at lower temperature
Recently, ferroelectric ceramics with high maximum polarization, low remnant polarization
and high electric breakdown strength (BDS) have attracted much attention due to their …
and high electric breakdown strength (BDS) have attracted much attention due to their …
Grain size engineered Ba0.9Sr0.1Ti0.9Hf0.1O3‐Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 relaxor ceramics with improved energy storage performance
A Jain, Y Wang, H Guo, N Wang - Journal of the American …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Novel lead‐free diphasic (1‐x) Ba0. 9Sr0. 1Ti0. 9Hf0. 1O3‐xNa0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
(BSTH‐NBT) ceramic nanocomposites were synthesized via an economically viable …
(BSTH‐NBT) ceramic nanocomposites were synthesized via an economically viable …
Crystal structure and dielectric properties of the Ca/Y co-substituted BaTiO3
Abstract B a 0.95 C a 0.05 T i 0.97 Y 0.04 O 3 solid solution has been fabricated by solid
state method to investigate physical properties. The X-ray diffraction characterization at room …
state method to investigate physical properties. The X-ray diffraction characterization at room …
Synergic and competitive effect of A-site substitution on structure and electric property in BaTiO3-based ceramics
H Zheng, L Zhao, Z Ma, H Tao, J Wu, J Ma… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Sites engineering has been extensively investigated in BaTiO 3-based lead-free materials.
Although the effect of A or B site substitution on structure and electric properties have been …
Although the effect of A or B site substitution on structure and electric properties have been …