Ecology and evolution of communication in social insects
Insect life strategies comprise all levels of sociality from solitary to eusocial, in which
individuals form persistent groups and divide labor. With increasing social complexity, the …
individuals form persistent groups and divide labor. With increasing social complexity, the …
Eusociality: origin and consequences
EO Wilson, B Hölldobler - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2005 -
In this new assessment of the empirical evidence, an alternative to the standard model is
proposed: group selection is the strong binding force in eusocial evolution; individual …
proposed: group selection is the strong binding force in eusocial evolution; individual …
[KNIHA][B] Principles of animal communication
JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
[KNIHA][B] Principles of social evolution
AFG Bourke - 2011 -
Living things are organized in a hierarchy of levels. Genes group together in cells, cells
group together in organisms, and organisms group together in societies. Even different …
group together in organisms, and organisms group together in societies. Even different …
[KNIHA][B] Ant ecology
Comprising a substantial part of living biomass on earth, ants are integral to the functioning
of terrestrial ecosystems. More than 12,000 species have been described to date, and it is …
of terrestrial ecosystems. More than 12,000 species have been described to date, and it is …
Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing
A major evolutionary transition to eusociality with reproductive division of labor between
queens and workers has arisen independently at least 10 times in the ants, bees, and …
queens and workers has arisen independently at least 10 times in the ants, bees, and …
[KNIHA][B] Asian honey bees: biology, conservation, and human interactions
BP Oldroyd, S Wongsiri - 2009 -
The familiar European hive bee, Apis mellifera, has long dominated honey bee research.
But in the last 15 years, teams in China, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand began to shift focus …
But in the last 15 years, teams in China, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand began to shift focus …
Conflict resolution in insect societies
▪ Abstract Although best known for cooperation, insect societies also manifest many potential
conflicts among individuals. These conflicts involve both direct reproduction by individuals …
conflicts among individuals. These conflicts involve both direct reproduction by individuals …
Primer pheromones in social hymenoptera
Social insect are profoundly influenced by primer pheromones (PPhs), which are efficient
means for maintaining social harmony in the colony. PPhs act by affecting the physiology of …
means for maintaining social harmony in the colony. PPhs act by affecting the physiology of …
Phylogenetic and transcriptomic analysis of chemosensory receptors in a pair of divergent ant species reveals sex-specific signatures of odor coding
Ants are a highly successful family of insects that thrive in a variety of habitats across the
world. Perhaps their best-known features are complex social organization and strict division …
world. Perhaps their best-known features are complex social organization and strict division …