Future implementation of mobility as a service (MaaS): Results of an international Delphi study
Given the innovative nature of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), various uncertainties are
surrounding the possibilities for implementing MaaS. This includes uncertainties about …
surrounding the possibilities for implementing MaaS. This includes uncertainties about …
“Mind the (Policy-Implementation) Gap”: Transport decarbonisation policies and performances of leading global economies (1990–2018)
Despite a series of transport decarbonisation initiatives, transport carbon emissions have
been growing in both absolute and relative terms since 1990, and this is contributing to …
been growing in both absolute and relative terms since 1990, and this is contributing to …
The principles of integration in urban transport strategies
Integration as a principle in urban transport policy is frequently advocated but rarely defined.
We suggest a range of types of integration, and highlight the problems in develo** an …
We suggest a range of types of integration, and highlight the problems in develo** an …
Encouraging good practice in the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
AD May - Case studies on transport policy, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The European Commission's 2009 Action Plan for Urban Transport identified, as its
first Action, the provision of guidance on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The 2011 White …
first Action, the provision of guidance on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The 2011 White …
[HTML][HTML] Identifying and prioritizing sustainable urban mobility barriers through a modified Delphi-AHP approach
K Anastasiadou, N Gavanas, C Pyrgidis… - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Sustainable urban mobility has been the epicenter both at the scientific and administrative
level during the last decades, with a high number of relevant research projects, awareness …
level during the last decades, with a high number of relevant research projects, awareness …
The integrated dynamic land use and transport model MARS
Cities worldwide face problems like congestion or outward migration of businesses. The
involved transport and land use interactions require innovative tools. The dynamic Land Use …
involved transport and land use interactions require innovative tools. The dynamic Land Use …
Unfolding barriers for urban mobility plan in small and medium municipalities–A case study in Brazil
BS Bezerra, ALL dos Santos… - … Research Part A: Policy …, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper investigated barriers for the design and implementation of Urban Mobility Plans
in small and medium-sized cities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. To achieve this objective …
in small and medium-sized cities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. To achieve this objective …
Empowering Urban Public Transport Planning Process for Medium-Sized Cities in Develo** Countries: Innovative Decision Support Framework for Sustainability
N Faiboun, P Klungboonkrong, R Udomsri… - Sustainability, 2024 - mdpi.com
The challenges resulting from rapid economic growth, urbanization, and increased
motorization in develo** nations necessitate a comprehensive and sustainable approach …
motorization in develo** nations necessitate a comprehensive and sustainable approach …
Airports in their urban settings: towards a conceptual model of interfaces in the Australian context
In Australia, airports have emerged as important sub-regional activity centres and now pose
challenges for both airport operation and planning in the surrounding urban and regional …
challenges for both airport operation and planning in the surrounding urban and regional …
Develo** a set of decision-support tools for sustainable urban transport in the UK
AD May, M Page, A Hull - Transport Policy, 2008 - Elsevier
There is now an increased understanding of the need to design urban transport and land-
use systems to be more sustainable, and of the policies which are needed to achieve this …
use systems to be more sustainable, and of the policies which are needed to achieve this …