[HTML][HTML] A review of research into tourism work and employment: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research curated collection on tourism work and employment
Work and employment are a significant constituent part of tourism and are gaining ground as
an area of research. This review paper offers a critical reflection on the field of tourism work …
an area of research. This review paper offers a critical reflection on the field of tourism work …
Progress on the role of ICTs in establishing destination appeal: Implications for smart tourism destination development
Purpose This paper aims to analyse the role of information and communication technologies
(ICTs) in establishing destination appeal and reflect on the implications for smart tourism …
(ICTs) in establishing destination appeal and reflect on the implications for smart tourism …
[HTML][HTML] A workforce to be reckoned with: The emerging pivotal Generation Z hospitality workforce
Despite the “perfect storm” of older employees leaving the workforce and younger hospitality
employees entering the hospitality industry, there has not been a single study in the …
employees entering the hospitality industry, there has not been a single study in the …
Inclusive tourism development
In the light of growing inequality globally, it is important to consider how to make tourism,
one of the world's largest industries, more inclusive. This concern is set in the context of, first …
one of the world's largest industries, more inclusive. This concern is set in the context of, first …
Avoiding the hospitality workforce bubble: Strategies to attract and retain generation Z talent in the hospitality workforce
Survival of the hospitality and tourism industry is highly dependent on a stable workforce to
service the tourists and customers. In a shrinking workforce market faced with traditionally …
service the tourists and customers. In a shrinking workforce market faced with traditionally …
Job perceptions of Generation Z hotel employees towards working in Covid-19 quarantine hotels: the role of meaningful work
Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a growing emergence of “quarantine hotels”
that provide accommodation to guests who are mandated to self-isolate for 14 days upon …
that provide accommodation to guests who are mandated to self-isolate for 14 days upon …
How will service robots redefine leadership in hotel management? A Delphi approach
Purpose Using the Delphi technique, this paper aims to investigate how human resource
experts perceive service robots will impact leadership and human resource management in …
experts perceive service robots will impact leadership and human resource management in …
To waste or not to waste: Exploring motivational factors of Generation Z hospitality employees towards food wastage in the hospitality industry
Hotel employees are in the eye of the storm witnessing food wastage on a daily basis. The
appetite for more food often results in more leftovers. Only a paucity of studies have …
appetite for more food often results in more leftovers. Only a paucity of studies have …
Sustainable human resource management as a driver in tourism policy and planning: a serious sin of omission?
T Baum - Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper focuses on the neglect of an employment or workforce focus in policy
engagement and planning for sustainable tourism. Tourism is of interest here because there …
engagement and planning for sustainable tourism. Tourism is of interest here because there …
[HTML][HTML] Aligning tourism's socio-economic impact with the United Nations' sustainable development goals
Socio-economic sustainability for tourism workers does not play a prominent role in
contemporary tourism economic impact studies. Rather, to promote economic growth …
contemporary tourism economic impact studies. Rather, to promote economic growth …