A 27-GHz quad-core CMOS oscillator with no mode ambiguity
There is a lower bound on the size of a planar inductor below which significant Q-
degradation occurs. While this bound can limit the absolute performance of an LC oscillator …
degradation occurs. While this bound can limit the absolute performance of an LC oscillator …
A harmonic-mixing PLL architecture for millimeter-wave application
A low-noise synthesizer design in the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) range is complicated by
the invariably large closed-loop gain and the high operation frequency of the voltage …
the invariably large closed-loop gain and the high operation frequency of the voltage …
A wide tuning range dual-core quad-mode orthogonal-coupled VCO with concurrently dual-output using parallel 8-shaped resonator
This article presents a dual-core quad-mode orthogonal-coupled wide frequency tuning
range voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) using mode control switches to realize the …
range voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) using mode control switches to realize the …
Switched substrate-shield-based low-loss CMOS inductors for wide tuning range VCOs
A switched substrate-shield inductor (SSI) topology in bulk CMOS is proposed which
minimizes parasitic capacitance and substrate losses, while tuned magnetically induced …
minimizes parasitic capacitance and substrate losses, while tuned magnetically induced …
Self-healing robust neural networks via closed-loop control
Despite the wide applications of neural networks, there have been increasing concerns
about their vulnerability issue. While numerous attack and defense techniques have been …
about their vulnerability issue. While numerous attack and defense techniques have been …
A 250-mW 60-GHz CMOS transceiver SoC integrated with a four-element AiP providing broad angular link coverage
In this article, we present a low-power, small formfactor, 60-GHz packaged radio featuring
broad beam coverage. We increase angular coverage by beam switching between two …
broad beam coverage. We increase angular coverage by beam switching between two …
Low-phase-noise 54-GHz transformer-coupled quadrature VCO and 76-/90-GHz VCOs in 65-nm CMOS
This paper presents new circuit topologies and design techniques for low-phase-noise (PN)
complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) millimeter-wave quadrature voltage …
complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) millimeter-wave quadrature voltage …
A Low-Phase-Noise 77-GHz FMCW Radar Transmitter With a 12.8-GHz PLL and a 6 Frequency Multiplier
JH Song, C Cui, SK Kim, BS Kim… - IEEE Microwave and …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this letter, a 77-GHz transmitter (TX) with a 12.8-GHz phase-locked-loop (PLL) and a * 6
frequency multiplier is presented for a FMCW radar sensor in a 65-nm CMOS process. To …
frequency multiplier is presented for a FMCW radar sensor in a 65-nm CMOS process. To …
21.5-to-33.4 GHz voltage-controlled oscillator using NMOS switched inductors in CMOS
To demonstrate the applicability of NMOS switched variable inductors in the millimeter wave
frequencies, a 21.5 to 33.4 GHz wide tuning range LC voltage-controlled oscillator (LC …
frequencies, a 21.5 to 33.4 GHz wide tuning range LC voltage-controlled oscillator (LC …
22-GHz-Band Oscillator Using Integrated H-Shape Defected Ground Structure Resonator in 0.18- CMOS Technology
A novel 22-GHz-band oscillator using an integrated defected ground structure (DGS)
resonator is presented for quasi-millimeter waveband applications. The DGS is etched on …
resonator is presented for quasi-millimeter waveband applications. The DGS is etched on …