Determinants and consequences of financial distress: review of the empirical literature

A Habib, MD Costa, HJ Huang… - Accounting & …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We synthesise the empirical literature on the determinants and consequences of financial
distress, critique the findings and offer suggestions for future research. We categorise these …

Narrative reporting: State of the art and future challenges

G Michelon, G Trojanowski, R Sealy - Accounting in Europe, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Narrative reporting, both in relation to financial and non-financial information, is increasingly
used and often mandated, with significant managerial discretion regarding content. As policy …

Deep learning models for bankruptcy prediction using textual disclosures

F Mai, S Tian, C Lee, L Ma - European journal of operational research, 2019 - Elsevier
This study introduces deep learning models for corporate bankruptcy forecasting using
textual disclosures. Although textual data are common, it is rarely considered in the financial …

Does litigation deter or encourage real earnings management?

S Huang, S Roychowdhury… - The Accounting …, 2020 -
In this paper, we rely on an exogenous shock to examine the impact of litigation risk on real
earnings management (REM). We conduct difference-in-differences tests centered on an …

The effect of voluntary disclosure on stock liquidity: New evidence from index funds

J Schoenfeld - Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
This study tests whether voluntary disclosure affects stock liquidity. I argue that index funds
fit the profile of nonstrategic traders who, according to theory, are unambiguously more likely …

The impact of audit committee financial expertise on management discussion and analysis (MD&A) tone

J Lee, J Park - European Accounting Review, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines whether financial expertise of audit committees affects the quality of
textual information conveyed through the management discussion and analysis (MD&A) …

Media coverage of corporate taxes

S Chen, K Schuchard, B Stomberg - The Accounting Review, 2019 -
Managers express growing concern over media coverage of corporate taxes, yet no large-
sample empirical study examines this phenomenon. As a first step to fill this void, we identify …

The promise and challenges of new datasets for accounting research

SH Teoh - Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2018 - Elsevier
I describe a brief summary of the development of databases used in accounting research
and discuss the research questions addressed in traditional databases and 'new'databases …

Asymmetric tone in management discussion and analysis and its impact: Evidence from the Chinese stock market

S Yan, A Choi, HR Jung, J Lee - Abacus, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates the relationship between managerial tone in management
discussion and analysis (MD&A) disclosures and stock price crash risk. We make a …

Speaking success: managerial tone in earnings conference calls and financial performance

M Alta'any, S Kayed, R Meqbel… - … : The International Journal …, 2025 -
Purpose Drawing on signalling and impression management theories, this study aims to
examine a bidirectional association between managerial tone in earnings conference calls …