Cellulase immobilization to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: an all-inclusive review
Cellulase-mediated lignocellulosic biorefinery plays a crucial role in the production of high-
value biofuels and chemicals, with enzymatic hydrolysis being an essential component. The …
value biofuels and chemicals, with enzymatic hydrolysis being an essential component. The …
Bioethanol production by enzymatic hydrolysis from different lignocellulosic sources
As the need for non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels has increased during the last
few decades, the search for sustainable and renewable alternative sources has gained …
few decades, the search for sustainable and renewable alternative sources has gained …
Suppressing inhibitory compounds by nanomaterials for highly efficient biofuel production: a review
With the rapid increase in the global population, domestic and industrial energy
consumption is rising at its peak, resulting in the incessant depletion of fossil fuels such as …
consumption is rising at its peak, resulting in the incessant depletion of fossil fuels such as …
Cellulases: from lignocellulosic biomass to improved production
Cellulases are enzymes that are attracting worldwide attention because of their ability to
degrade cellulose in the lignocellulosic biomass and transform it into highly demanded …
degrade cellulose in the lignocellulosic biomass and transform it into highly demanded …
Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass—challenges and solutions
Regarding the limited resources for fossil fuels and increasing global energy demands,
greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change, there is a need to find alternative energy …
greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change, there is a need to find alternative energy …
An overview on the recent developments in fungal cellulase production and their industrial applications
The enzyme cellulase is a consortium of three enzymes—exo-glucanase, endo-glucanase
and β-glucosidase, which can be produced by various microorganisms naturally and is …
and β-glucosidase, which can be produced by various microorganisms naturally and is …
Current advances in on-site cellulase production and application on lignocellulosic biomass conversion to biofuels: a review
The potential of lignocellulosic feedstock has been widely studied, mainly for biofuels
production, which usually requires an enzymatic step on the process. Cellulolytic enzymes …
production, which usually requires an enzymatic step on the process. Cellulolytic enzymes …
Microbial cellulolytic enzymes: diversity and biotechnology with reference to lignocellulosic biomass degradation
Lignocellulosic biomass is the earth's most abundant renewable feedstock alternative that
comprises of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. The synergistic action of …
comprises of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. The synergistic action of …
Technological road map of Cellulase: a comprehensive outlook to structural, computational, and industrial applications
Cellulases, a group of enzymes capable of degrading cellulose, play a crucial role in the
bioconversion of cellulosic biomass, making them invaluable in various industries such as …
bioconversion of cellulosic biomass, making them invaluable in various industries such as …
Rice waste streams as a promising source of biofuels: feedstocks, biotechnologies and future perspectives
Increased environmental concern over climate change due to higher oil usage has made
human being to shift to cleaner and greener alternatives. The utilization of abundant …
human being to shift to cleaner and greener alternatives. The utilization of abundant …