[HTML][HTML] Geoeducation strategies in the Amazon, Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark

M Simbaña-Tasiguano… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The UNESCO Global Geoparks are grounded in three core principles: education,
geoconservation, and geotourism. Since 2015, the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global …

AR Exhibitions for Sensitive Narratives: Designing an Immersive Exhibition for the Museum of Memory in Colombia

AM Cárdenas Gasca, JM Jacobs… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Augmented Reality (AR) in human rights museums and memorialization efforts can
empower these initiatives to create stronger connections between audiences and victims; …

Towards a path-transformative heuristic in inclusive innovation initiatives: an exploratory case in rural communities in Colombia

MA Pinzón-Camargo… - Innovation and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study contributes to a better understanding of the transformative process towards
inclusive innovation from the perspective of three literature branches, inclusive innovation …

Bottom-up communitarian collaborative actions in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark territory: implications for sustainable development

MV Simbaña-Tasiguano, HR Grefa-Shiguango… - Environment …, 2025 - Springer
UNESCO Global Geoparks play a crucial role in promoting the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) through research, geoeducation, and geotourism. In the case of the Napo …

Minga as a placemaking tool in peripheral neighbourhoods. Co-design experience in Calderon, Quito*

A Medina, N Beretić, C López Rueda, R Donoso - CoDesign, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores the role of local vernacular socio-spatial practices in co-design and
placemaking in Calderon, a peripheral urban parish in Quito, Ecuador. Using a case-study …

Cultura alimentaria, tejidos que fortalecen el cuidado colectivo en una comunidad indígena

DFL Buitrago, YLC Guadir, MEC Cataño… - Cultura de los …, 2023 - culturacuidados.ua.es
Objetivo: Explorar los factores de la estructura social y de cultura alimentaria de una
comunidad indígena que fortalecen el cuidado colectivo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio …

[CARTE][B] In search of community: A comparative case study of education-for-development and local community ownership in Chile and Central Africa

EL Toukan - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Education evokes a powerful promise in development discourses. However, the role of local
communities within these discourses has been unclear–often either romanticized or …


P Palomino-Flores, A Napurí, A Heckman - Diálogo andino, 2024 - SciELO Chile
Desde una perspectiva intercultural, este estudio revisa la práctica del tejido como
expresión integral de las mujeres en la comunidad altoandina de Acchahuata, en la …

Derechos indígenas, neoconstitucionalismo (s) y justicias en Colombia

AA Zeballosf-Cuathin - 2021 - repositorio.unal.edu.co
Los derechos indígenas en el constitucionalismo tradicional colombiano se desarrollaron
básicamente a través de normas construidas bajo una lógica individualista, unidireccional y …

[HTML][HTML] Conocimiento etnobotánico, distribución potencial y geográfica del mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) en el páramo altoandino, Colombia

JNO Burbano, GC Luna-Cabrera… - Agronomía …, 2024 - scielo.sa.cr
Introducción. El mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) enfrenta una erosión genética
significativa debido a la presión antrópica en los páramos, lo que ha llevado a la pérdida …