[HTML][HTML] Geoeducation strategies in the Amazon, Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark
M Simbaña-Tasiguano… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The UNESCO Global Geoparks are grounded in three core principles: education,
geoconservation, and geotourism. Since 2015, the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global …
geoconservation, and geotourism. Since 2015, the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global …
AR Exhibitions for Sensitive Narratives: Designing an Immersive Exhibition for the Museum of Memory in Colombia
Augmented Reality (AR) in human rights museums and memorialization efforts can
empower these initiatives to create stronger connections between audiences and victims; …
empower these initiatives to create stronger connections between audiences and victims; …
Towards a path-transformative heuristic in inclusive innovation initiatives: an exploratory case in rural communities in Colombia
MA Pinzón-Camargo… - Innovation and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study contributes to a better understanding of the transformative process towards
inclusive innovation from the perspective of three literature branches, inclusive innovation …
inclusive innovation from the perspective of three literature branches, inclusive innovation …
Bottom-up communitarian collaborative actions in the Napo Sumaco Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark territory: implications for sustainable development
MV Simbaña-Tasiguano, HR Grefa-Shiguango… - Environment …, 2025 - Springer
UNESCO Global Geoparks play a crucial role in promoting the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) through research, geoeducation, and geotourism. In the case of the Napo …
Goals (SDGs) through research, geoeducation, and geotourism. In the case of the Napo …
Minga as a placemaking tool in peripheral neighbourhoods. Co-design experience in Calderon, Quito*
This article explores the role of local vernacular socio-spatial practices in co-design and
placemaking in Calderon, a peripheral urban parish in Quito, Ecuador. Using a case-study …
placemaking in Calderon, a peripheral urban parish in Quito, Ecuador. Using a case-study …
Cultura alimentaria, tejidos que fortalecen el cuidado colectivo en una comunidad indígena
Objetivo: Explorar los factores de la estructura social y de cultura alimentaria de una
comunidad indígena que fortalecen el cuidado colectivo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio …
comunidad indígena que fortalecen el cuidado colectivo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio …
[CARTE][B] In search of community: A comparative case study of education-for-development and local community ownership in Chile and Central Africa
EL Toukan - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Education evokes a powerful promise in development discourses. However, the role of local
communities within these discourses has been unclear–often either romanticized or …
communities within these discourses has been unclear–often either romanticized or …
P Palomino-Flores, A Napurí, A Heckman - Diálogo andino, 2024 - SciELO Chile
Desde una perspectiva intercultural, este estudio revisa la práctica del tejido como
expresión integral de las mujeres en la comunidad altoandina de Acchahuata, en la …
expresión integral de las mujeres en la comunidad altoandina de Acchahuata, en la …
Derechos indígenas, neoconstitucionalismo (s) y justicias en Colombia
AA Zeballosf-Cuathin - 2021 - repositorio.unal.edu.co
Los derechos indígenas en el constitucionalismo tradicional colombiano se desarrollaron
básicamente a través de normas construidas bajo una lógica individualista, unidireccional y …
básicamente a través de normas construidas bajo una lógica individualista, unidireccional y …
[HTML][HTML] Conocimiento etnobotánico, distribución potencial y geográfica del mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) en el páramo altoandino, Colombia
JNO Burbano, GC Luna-Cabrera… - Agronomía …, 2024 - scielo.sa.cr
Introducción. El mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) enfrenta una erosión genética
significativa debido a la presión antrópica en los páramos, lo que ha llevado a la pérdida …
significativa debido a la presión antrópica en los páramos, lo que ha llevado a la pérdida …