Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway

JL Guilherme, VR Jones, I Catry, M Beal… - Conservation …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The conservation of long‐distance migratory birds requires coordination between the
multiple countries connected by the movements of these species. The recent expansion of …

A synthesis of recent tools and perspectives in migratory connectivity studies

KA Gregory, C Francesiaz, F Jiguet, A Besnard - Movement Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Migration movements connect breeding and non-breeding bird populations over the year.
Such links, referred to as migratory connectivity, have important implications for migratory …

Climate-driven flyway changes and memory-based long-distance migration

Z Gu, S Pan, Z Lin, L Hu, X Dai, J Chang, Y Xue, H Su… - Nature, 2021 -
Millions of migratory birds occupy seasonally favourable breeding grounds in the Arctic, but
we know little about the formation, maintenance and future of the migration routes of Arctic …

Low migratory connectivity is common in long‐distance migrant birds

T Finch, SJ Butler, AMA Franco… - Journal of Animal …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Estimating how much long‐distance migrant populations spread out and mix during the non‐
breeding season (migratory connectivity) is essential for understanding and predicting …

New discoveries in landbird migration using geolocators, and a flight plan for the future

EA McKinnon, KC Fraser, BJM Stutchbury - The Auk, 2013 -
Geolocator accuracy varies, depending on bird behavior, geographic location, habitat, and
weather (Fudickar et al. 2012, Lisovski et al. 2012). Ground truthing at multiple sites prior to …

Migratory connectivity and population-specific migration routes in a long-distance migratory bird

C Trierweiler, RHG Klaassen… - … of the Royal …, 2014 -
Knowledge about migratory connectivity, the degree to which individuals from the same
breeding site migrate to the same wintering site, is essential to understand processes …

Continent-wide tracking to determine migratory connectivity and tropical habitat associations of a declining aerial insectivore

KC Fraser, BJM Stutchbury… - … of the Royal …, 2012 -
North American birds that feed on flying insects are experiencing steep population declines,
particularly long-distance migratory populations in the northern breeding range. We …

Miniaturized GPS tags identify non-breeding territories of a small breeding migratory songbird

MT Hallworth, PP Marra - Scientific reports, 2015 -
For the first time, we use a small archival global positioning system (GPS) tag to identify and
characterize non-breeding territories, quantify migratory connectivity and identify population …

Quantifying the strength of migratory connectivity

EB Cohen, JA Hostetler, MT Hallworth… - Methods in Ecology …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Technological advancements have spurred rapid growth in the study of migratory
connectivity, the linkage of individuals and populations between seasons of the annual …

Constructing and evaluating a continent‐wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle

SM Knight, DW Bradley, RG Clark… - Ecological …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Determining how migratory animals are spatially connected between breeding and non‐
breeding periods is essential for predicting the effects of environmental change and for …