Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway
The conservation of long‐distance migratory birds requires coordination between the
multiple countries connected by the movements of these species. The recent expansion of …
multiple countries connected by the movements of these species. The recent expansion of …
A synthesis of recent tools and perspectives in migratory connectivity studies
KA Gregory, C Francesiaz, F Jiguet, A Besnard - Movement Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Migration movements connect breeding and non-breeding bird populations over the year.
Such links, referred to as migratory connectivity, have important implications for migratory …
Such links, referred to as migratory connectivity, have important implications for migratory …
Climate-driven flyway changes and memory-based long-distance migration
Millions of migratory birds occupy seasonally favourable breeding grounds in the Arctic, but
we know little about the formation, maintenance and future of the migration routes of Arctic …
we know little about the formation, maintenance and future of the migration routes of Arctic …
Low migratory connectivity is common in long‐distance migrant birds
Estimating how much long‐distance migrant populations spread out and mix during the non‐
breeding season (migratory connectivity) is essential for understanding and predicting …
breeding season (migratory connectivity) is essential for understanding and predicting …
New discoveries in landbird migration using geolocators, and a flight plan for the future
Geolocator accuracy varies, depending on bird behavior, geographic location, habitat, and
weather (Fudickar et al. 2012, Lisovski et al. 2012). Ground truthing at multiple sites prior to …
weather (Fudickar et al. 2012, Lisovski et al. 2012). Ground truthing at multiple sites prior to …
Migratory connectivity and population-specific migration routes in a long-distance migratory bird
C Trierweiler, RHG Klaassen… - … of the Royal …, 2014 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Knowledge about migratory connectivity, the degree to which individuals from the same
breeding site migrate to the same wintering site, is essential to understand processes …
breeding site migrate to the same wintering site, is essential to understand processes …
Continent-wide tracking to determine migratory connectivity and tropical habitat associations of a declining aerial insectivore
North American birds that feed on flying insects are experiencing steep population declines,
particularly long-distance migratory populations in the northern breeding range. We …
particularly long-distance migratory populations in the northern breeding range. We …
Miniaturized GPS tags identify non-breeding territories of a small breeding migratory songbird
For the first time, we use a small archival global positioning system (GPS) tag to identify and
characterize non-breeding territories, quantify migratory connectivity and identify population …
characterize non-breeding territories, quantify migratory connectivity and identify population …
Quantifying the strength of migratory connectivity
Technological advancements have spurred rapid growth in the study of migratory
connectivity, the linkage of individuals and populations between seasons of the annual …
connectivity, the linkage of individuals and populations between seasons of the annual …
Constructing and evaluating a continent‐wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle
Determining how migratory animals are spatially connected between breeding and non‐
breeding periods is essential for predicting the effects of environmental change and for …
breeding periods is essential for predicting the effects of environmental change and for …