Factors that enable effective one health collaborations-a sco** review of the literature

KM Errecaborde, KW Macy, A Pekol, S Perez… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Advocates for a One Health approach recognize that global health challenges require
multidisciplinary collaborative efforts. While past publications have looked at …

Civil–military cooperation in the management of infectious disease outbreaks: a sco** review

J Janse, JP Kalkman, GL Burchell, APCCH Buma… - BMJ global …, 2022 - gh.bmj.com
Introduction Civil–military cooperation (CMC) in infectious disease outbreak responses has
become more common, and has its own cooperation dynamics. These collaborations fit …

Microbial aspects and potential markers for differentiation between bacterial and viral meningitis among adult patients

SF Alnomasy, BS Alotaibi, AH Mujamammi, EA Hassan… - Plos one, 2021 - journals.plos.org
Objectives Meningitis is a medical emergency with permanent disabilities and high mortality
worldwide. We aimed to determine causative microorganisms and potential markers for …

Advancing science diplomacy: Indonesia and the US naval medical research unit

FL Smith III - Social Studies of Science, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Science diplomacy supposedly builds international cooperation through scientific and
technical exchange. In practice, however, there are important but often overlooked instances …

[PDF][PDF] The importance of militaries from develo** countries in global infectious disease surveillance

JP Chretien, DL Blazes, RL Coldren… - Bulletin of the World …, 2007 - SciELO Public Health
Military forces from develo** countries have become increasingly important as facilitators
of their government's foreign policy, taking part in peacekee** operations, military …

Components of health surveillance system in natural disasters that affect military health services: a systematic review

M Naderi, AR Khoshdel, S Sharififar… - Iranian journal of …, 2023 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: Military health surveillance system, as the first responder in natural disasters,
plays an important role in public health. This study aimed to identify those components of the …

[HTML][HTML] Infection surveillance after a natural disaster: lessons learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011

O Iwata, T Oki, A Ishiki, M Shimanuki… - Bulletin of the World …, 2013 - SciELO Public Health
Problem On 11 March 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake produced a catastrophic
tsunami that devastated the city of Rikuzen-Takata and left it without an effective health …

Bioinformatics for biodefense: challenges and opportunities

WA Valdivia-Granda - Biosecurity and bioterrorism: biodefense …, 2010 - liebertpub.com
The intentional release of traditional or combinatorial bioweapons remains one of the most
important challenges that will continue to shape homeland security. The misuse of dual-use …

A survey conducted immediately after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake: evaluation of infectious risks associated with sanitary conditions in evacuation centers

K Tokuda, H Kunishima, Y Gu, S Endo, M Hatta… - Journal of Infection and …, 2014 - Elsevier
In cooperation with the Miyagi prefectural government, we conducted a survey of the
management of sanitation at evacuation centers and the health of the evacuees by visiting …

The emerging role of preventive medicine in health diplomacy after the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan

JD Mancuso, EO Price, DF West - Military medicine, 2008 - academic.oup.com
ABSTRACT On October 22, 2005, a preventive medicine team deployed with the 212th
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital to assist with earthquake relief efforts in Pakistani-controlled …