Semantic memory: A review of methods, models, and current challenges
Adult semantic memory has been traditionally conceptualized as a relatively static memory
system that consists of knowledge about the world, concepts, and symbols. Considerable …
system that consists of knowledge about the world, concepts, and symbols. Considerable …
Semantic priming effects in visual word recognition: A selective review of current findings and theories
The frequency with which words are used has long been known to influence performance in
reading tasks. Such effects are robust, often large, and sufficiently universal that no serious …
reading tasks. Such effects are robust, often large, and sufficiently universal that no serious …
[ספר][B] The adaptive character of thought
JR Anderson - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This important volume examines the phenomena of cognition from an adaptive perspective.
Rather than adhering to the typical practice in cognitive psychology of trying to predict …
Rather than adhering to the typical practice in cognitive psychology of trying to predict …
[ספר][B] Semantic priming: Perspectives from memory and word recognition
TP McNamara - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
Semantic priming has been a focus of research in the cognitive sciences for more than thirty
years and is commonly used as a tool for investigating other aspects of perception and …
years and is commonly used as a tool for investigating other aspects of perception and …
Stages of lexical access in language production
We describe two primary stages in the top-down process of lexical access in production, a
stage of lemma access in which words are retrieved as syntactic-semantic entities, and a …
stage of lemma access in which words are retrieved as syntactic-semantic entities, and a …
Episodic and semantic knowledge in emotional self-report: evidence for two judgment processes.
Three studies involving 3 participant samples (Ns= 39, 55, and 53) tested the hypothesis that
people retrieve episodic emotion knowledge when reporting on their emotions over short …
people retrieve episodic emotion knowledge when reporting on their emotions over short …
Human memory: An adaptive perspective.
It was argued that the basic principles of operation of human memory can be understood as
an optimization to the information-retrieval task that human memory faces. Basically …
an optimization to the information-retrieval task that human memory faces. Basically …
Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language
This study investigates outcomes of deliberate learning on vocabulary acquisition in a
second language (L2). Acquisition of 48 pseudowords was measured using the lexical …
second language (L2). Acquisition of 48 pseudowords was measured using the lexical …
Is semantic priming due to association strength or feature overlap? A microanalytic review
In a recent meta-analysis, Lucas (2000) concluded that there is strong evidence of an overall
pure semantic priming effect but no evidence of priming based purely on association. In the …
pure semantic priming effect but no evidence of priming based purely on association. In the …
The semantic distance task: Quantifying semantic distance with semantic network path length.
Semantic distance is a determining factor in cognitive processes, such as semantic priming,
operating upon semantic memory. The main computational approach to compute semantic …
operating upon semantic memory. The main computational approach to compute semantic …