A multimodal contrastive study of (dis) fluency across languages and settings: Towards a multidimensional scale of inter-(dis) fluency
L Kosmala - 2021 - theses.hal.science
The research presented in this thesis deals with so-called “disfluency” phenomena, a topic
of study traditionally concerned with the annotation of a priori “disfluent” forms, such as “uh” …
of study traditionally concerned with the annotation of a priori “disfluent” forms, such as “uh” …
Vague language that is rarely vaguep: A case study of “thing” in L1 and L2 discourse
D Gassner - International Review of Pragmatics, 2012 - brill.com
This paper investigates the use of “vague language” in English L1 and L2 speaker
discourse. In particular, the item “thing”, which is used about 2.5 times more often by the L1 …
discourse. In particular, the item “thing”, which is used about 2.5 times more often by the L1 …
[SÁCH][B] Beyond disfluency: The interplay of speech, gesture, and interaction
L Kosmala - 2024 - jbe-platform.com
This book pioneers a tridimensional approach to (dis) fluency, evaluating fluency across
three different dimensions, mainly speech, gesture, and interaction. Drawing from an …
three different dimensions, mainly speech, gesture, and interaction. Drawing from an …
Vague language that is vague p in both L1 and L2: A comment on Gassner (2012)
V Parvaresh - International Review of Pragmatics, 2015 - brill.com
In one of the most recent studies exclusively devoted to referential vagueness, Gassner
(2012) argues that there are occasions in which 'l 2 speakers of English'display instances of …
(2012) argues that there are occasions in which 'l 2 speakers of English'display instances of …
Participation and agency on an initial training course for teachers of ESOL: managing the discursive demands of the feedback on teaching conference
AP Watkins - 2023 - eprints.nottingham.ac.uk
This small-scale study explores trainee participation and agency in six feedback on teaching
conferences (FTCs) on a pre-service English language teacher training (TESOL) course. A …
conferences (FTCs) on a pre-service English language teacher training (TESOL) course. A …
The rhetorical functions of semi-technical language in post-graduate academic legal writing
PDG Maher - 2013 - researchrepository.ul.ie
This study, set in the field of English for academic legal purposes (EALP), sets out to first
identify a semi-technical word list in post-graduate academic legal written texts and then to …
identify a semi-technical word list in post-graduate academic legal written texts and then to …