[HTML][HTML] Boosting the Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Reaction by Nanostructured Metal Materials via Defects Engineering

S Zhao, A Liu, Y Li, Y Wen, X Gao, Q Chen - Nanomaterials, 2022 - mdpi.com
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) is one of the most effective methods to
convert CO2 into useful fuels. Introducing defects into metal nanostructures can effectively …

Ultrathin gold nanowires and nanorods

R Takahata, T Tsukuda - Chemistry Letters, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Ultrathin gold nanowires (AuUNWs) and nanorods (AuUNRs) with diameters smaller than
the critical dimension for quantization (∼ 2 nm), are a new class of anisotropic …

Anomalous compliance and early yielding of nanoporous gold

BND Ngô, A Stukowski, N Mameka, J Markmann… - Acta Materialia, 2015 - Elsevier
We present a study of the elastic and plastic behavior of nanoporous gold in compression,
focusing on molecular dynamics simulation and inspecting experimental data for verification …

Highly simple and rapid synthesis of ultrathin gold nanowires with (111)-dominant facets and enhanced electrocatalytic properties

X Jiang, X Qiu, G Fu, J Sun, Z Huang, D Sun… - Journal of Materials …, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org
One-dimensional (1D) Au nanowires with narrow diameters and high aspect ratios have
attracted increasing attention because of their distinctive physicochemical properties and …

Atomic structure of ultrathin gold nanowires

Y Yu, F Cui, J Sun, P Yang - Nano letters, 2016 - ACS Publications
Understanding of the atomic structure and stability of nanowires (NWs) is critical for their
applications in nanotechnology, especially when the diameter of NWs reduces to ultrathin …

In situ atomic-scale analysis of Rayleigh instability in ultrathin gold nanowires

S Xu, P Li, Y Lu - Nano Research, 2018 - Springer
Comprehensive understanding of the structural/morphology stability of ultrathin (diameter<
10 nm) gold nanowires under real service conditions (such as under Joule heating) is a …

Plastic Poisson's ratio of nanoporous metals: A macroscopic signature of tension–compression asymmetry at the nanoscale

L Lührs, B Zandersons, N Huber, J Weissmüller - Nano letters, 2017 - ACS Publications
The suggestion, based on atomistic simulation, of a surface-induced tension− compression
asymmetry of the strength and flow stress of small metal bodies so far lacks experimental …

Simple synthesis of Au–Pd Alloy nanowire networks as macroscopic, flexible electrocatalysts with excellent performance

J Wang, P Zhang, Y **ahou, D Wang… - … Applied Materials & …, 2018 - ACS Publications
The present work introduces a new way to prepare Au–Pd alloy nanowire networks (NWNs)
via deposition of Pd atoms onto Au nanowires in reaction media at room temperature without …

Ultrathin Au-alloy nanowires at the liquid–liquid interface

D Chatterjee, S Shetty, K Müller-Caspary, T Grieb… - Nano …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Ultrathin bimetallic nanowires are of importance and interest for applications in electronic
devices such as sensors and heterogeneous catalysts. In this work, we have designed a …

Regulating surface facets of metallic aerogel electrocatalysts by size-dependent localized Ostwald ripening

W Duan, P Zhang, Y **ahou, Y Song, C Bi… - … Applied Materials & …, 2018 - ACS Publications
It is well known that the activity and stability of electrocatalysts are largely dependent on their
surface facets. In this work, we have successfully regulated surface facets of three …