The mineralogical diversity of alkaline igneous rocks: critical factors for the transition from miaskitic to agpaitic phase assemblages

MAW Marks, K Hettmann, J Schilling… - Journal of …, 2011 -
Geochemically, the large family of alkaline plutonic rocks (both Qtz-undersaturated and-
oversaturated compositions) can be subdivided into metaluminous [(Na2O+ K2O)< Al2O3] …

From structure topology to chemical composition. I. Structural hierarchy and stereochemistry in titanium disilicate minerals

E Sokolova - The Canadian Mineralogist, 2006 -
The structural hierarchy and stereochemistry have been considered for 24 titanium disilicate
minerals that contain the TS (Titanium Silicate) block, a central trioctahedral (O) sheet, and …

Crystal chemistry of silicates with three-layer TOT and HOH modules of layered, chainlike, and mixed types

RK Rastsvetaeva, SM Aksenov - Crystallography Reports, 2011 - Springer
In view of new data on the chemical composition and structure of a series of natural layered
silicates containing three-layer blocks and their corresponding microporous minerals with …

[HTML][HTML] Agpaitic alkaline rocks in southern Brazilian platform: a review

CB Gomes, RG Azzone, GEE Rojas, V Guarino… - Minerals, 2021 -
General information is presented on ten agpaitic occurrences located in southern Brazil and
at the border between Brazil and Paraguay. All the Brazilian agpaitic rocks are Late …

The REE- and HFSE-bearing phases in the Itatiaia alkaline complex (Brazil) and geochemical evolution of feldspar-rich felsic melts

L Melluso, V Guarino, M Lustrino… - Mineralogical …, 2017 -
Abstract The Late Cretaceous Itatiaia complex is made up of nepheline syenite grading to
peralkaline varieties, quartz syenite and granite, emplaced in the metamorphic rocks of the …

Structure and origin of the Poços de Caldas alkaline massif, SE Brazil

H Ulbrich, SRF Vlach, D Demaiffe… - Mesozoic to Cenozoic …, 2005 -
diagram, they plot close to, but to the right of, the NHRL, also typical of OIB samples, roughly
defining a 2.2 Ga reference line (possibly a mixing array). The felsic PC are intermediate …

Petrogenesis of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the NW sector of the Gharyan volcanic field, Libya

M Lustrino, C Cucciniello, L Melluso, CCG Tassinari… - Lithos, 2012 - Elsevier
The north-western sector of the Gharyan volcanic field (northern Libya) consists of trachytic-
phonolitic domes emplaced between~ 41 and 38Ma, and small-volume mafic alkaline …

Crystal chemistry of the rosenbuschite group

CC Christiansen, O Johnsen… - The Canadian …, 2003 -
The minerals of the rosenbuschite group are sorosilicates composed of a framework of 6-to
8-corner polyhedra and rows of Si2O7 dimers. The polyhedra combine into layers (O layers) …

The role of fractional crystallization and late-stage peralkaline melt segregation in the mineralogical evolution of Cenozoic nephelinites/phonolites from Saghro (SE …

J Berger, N Ennih, JCC Mercier… - Mineralogical …, 2009 -
Abstract The Saghro Cenozoic lavas form a bimodal suite of nephelinites (with carbonatite
xenoliths) and phonolites emplaced in the Anti-Atlas belt of Morocco. Despite the paucity of …


РК Расцветаева, СМ Аксёнов - Кристаллография, 2011 -
В свете новых данных о химическом составе и структуре ряда природных слоистых
силикатов, со держащих трехслойные блоки, и связанных с ними микропористых …