Location information exchange between vehicle and device

CP Ricci - US Patent 8,818,725, 2014 - Google Patents
Methods and systems for a complete vehicle ecosystem are provided. Speci? cally, systems
that When taken alone, or together, provide an individual or group of individuals With an …

Vehicle comprising multi-operating system

CP Ricci, B Reeves, PE Reeves, R Teltz… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A mobile computing device with a mobile operating system and personal
computer or vehicle processing module operat ing system running concurrently and …

Systems and methods for determining a robotic status of a driving vehicle

JR Cheatham III, RA Hyde, LL Wood - US Patent 9,707,942, 2017 - Google Patents
A system for assisting driving includes a robotic status component and a maneuver selection
component. The robotic status component is configured to determine, within a first vehicle …

Mobile human interface robot

MT Rosenstein, M Halloran, SV Shamlian… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
Related US. Application Data JP 2008004078 A 1/2008 JP 2009123061 A 6/2009? led on
Jun. 21, 2010, provisional application No. JP 2009217363 A 9/2009 61/428,717,? led on …

On board vehicle networking module

CP Ricci - US Patent 9,116,786, 2015 - Google Patents
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 13/679,476,(Continued) filed on Nov. 16, 2012.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (60) Provisional application No. 61/560,509, filed on Nov. US Appl …

Mobile human interface robot

JH Kearns, O Taka, RT Pack, MT Rosenstein… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of object detection for a mobile robot includes emitting a speckle
pattern of light onto a scene about the robot while maneuvering the robot across a work …

On board vehicle diagnostic module

CP Ricci - US Patent 9,043,073, 2015 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data 2008/0051957 A1 2/2008 Breed et al. 2008/0090522 A1
4/2008 Oyama filed on Apr. 23, 2012, provisional application No. 2008/01294.75 A1 6/2008 …

On board vehicle network security

CP Ricci - US Patent 9,173,100, 2015 - Google Patents
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 13/679,476, filed on Nov. 16,
2012.(Continued)(60) Provisional application No. 61/560,509, filed on Nov. OTHER …

Method and system for authentication in autonomous vehicles

CP Ricci - US Patent 9,963,106, 2018 - Google Patents
US9963106B1 - Method and system for authentication in autonomous vehicles - Google Patents
US9963106B1 - Method and system for authentication in autonomous vehicles - Google Patents …

On board vehicle installation supervisor

CP Ricci - US Patent 8,949,823, 2015 - Google Patents
G06F 3/4(2006.01) 2012/0084792 A1 4/2012 Benedek et al. G06F 1 1/14(2006.01) 2012,
008.9299 A1 4/2012 Breed 2012/0109446 A1 5/2012 Yousefi et al. GO6F II/34(2006.01) …