[ספר][B] Sociology of the arts: Exploring fine and popular forms
VD Alexander - 2020 - books.google.com
Explains the key concepts, theories, and studies in the sociology of the arts—the fully
updated new edition of the classic textbook Sociology of the Arts is a comprehensive yet …
updated new edition of the classic textbook Sociology of the Arts is a comprehensive yet …
[HTML][HTML] From arts marketing to audience enrichment: How digital engagement can deepen and democratize artistic exchange with audiences
There remains a significant gap in the scholarly literature on the processes, benefits and
challenges of digital engagement in the arts. This article presents and critically analyses the …
challenges of digital engagement in the arts. This article presents and critically analyses the …
[HTML][HTML] Youth's literary socialisation practices online: A systematic review of research
This systematic research review arises from the need to conceptualise youth's literary
socialisation practices in the current digital landscape to advance knowledge in literary …
socialisation practices in the current digital landscape to advance knowledge in literary …
Faraway, so Close: Seeing the intimacy in Goodreads reviews
Book reviews written by readers and published on digital sites such as Goodreads are a
new force in contemporary book culture. This article uses feminist standpoint theory to …
new force in contemporary book culture. This article uses feminist standpoint theory to …
Adolescents' perspectives on the barriers to reading for pleasure
Adolescence is often positioned as a particularly vulnerable period for reading motivation
and engagement, both for academic reading and reading for pleasure. However, closer …
and engagement, both for academic reading and reading for pleasure. However, closer …
[HTML][HTML] Literary quality in the eye of the Dutch reader: The National Reader Survey
What makes some novels literary? There is little agreement within literary studies on this
question. The two main approaches focus either on text-intrinsic factors (eg, aesthetic …
question. The two main approaches focus either on text-intrinsic factors (eg, aesthetic …
The impact of interactivity on user satisfaction in digital social reading: Social presence as a mediator
The development of social media has given rise to digital social reading, an activity
characterized by interactivity and social presence. Drawing upon the literature on …
characterized by interactivity and social presence. Drawing upon the literature on …
[HTML][HTML] Youth's experiences with books: Orientations towards digital spaces of literary socialisation
This article reports the findings of an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) of ten
interviews with participants aged 13 to 23 from international contexts on youths' experiences …
interviews with participants aged 13 to 23 from international contexts on youths' experiences …
[HTML][HTML] Reimagining climate futures: Reading annihilation
In this paper we explore how reading speculative fiction (SF) can be understood as a
generative way to participate in a wider reckoning with the idea, and increasingly the …
generative way to participate in a wider reckoning with the idea, and increasingly the …
Reader and author gender and genre in Goodreads
There are known gender differences in book preferences in terms of both genre and author
gender but their extent and causes are not well understood. It is unclear whether reader …
gender but their extent and causes are not well understood. It is unclear whether reader …