Undergraduate student perceptions of instructor mindset and academic performance: A motivational climate theory perspective
Academic achievement depends not only on learners' skill but also the psychological factors
that arise during learning, such as the belief that intelligence improves with effort—a growth …
that arise during learning, such as the belief that intelligence improves with effort—a growth …
The effect of the COVID-19 disruption on the gender gap in students' performance: a cross-country analysis
Background This paper investigates how the COVID-19 school closure has affected the
gender gap in grade-8 students' performance and what are the drivers behind this. By …
gender gap in grade-8 students' performance and what are the drivers behind this. By …
Course grades as a signal of student achievement: Evidence of grade inflation before and after COVID‐19
There is widespread speculation and some evidence that grades and grading standards
changed during the pandemic, making higher grades relatively easier to achieve. In this …
changed during the pandemic, making higher grades relatively easier to achieve. In this …
Grade Inflation at Saudi Universities Before, during and after the Pandemic: A Comparative Study.
R Al-Jarf - Online Submission, 2022 - ERIC
This study investigates grade inflation in 127 language, linguistics, translation, education,
and computer courses taught at some Saudi universities before, during and after the …
and computer courses taught at some Saudi universities before, during and after the …
Indicators of Progress in the Wake of Endrew F.: The Distinction Between Professional Recommendations and Judicial Rulings
PA Zirkel, ML Yell - Exceptional Children, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The central obligation under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act is to provide
each eligible student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE). In Endrew F. v …
each eligible student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE). In Endrew F. v …
Microaggressions, perceptions of campus climate, mental health, and alcohol use among first‐year college students of color
Depressive and anxiety symptoms are increasingly common, and problematic alcohol use
remains prevalent in college. To expand on prior research on mostly white samples, we …
remains prevalent in college. To expand on prior research on mostly white samples, we …
Course Grades as a Signal of Student Achievement: Evidence on Grade Inflation before and after COVID-19. CALDER Research Brief No. 35.
There is widespread speculation (eg, Johnson, 2021; Klinger et al., 2022; Mathews, 2022;
Walker, 2021) and some evidence (eg, Sanchez & Moore, 2022, Sanchez, 2023) that …
Walker, 2021) and some evidence (eg, Sanchez & Moore, 2022, Sanchez, 2023) that …
Decomposing High-School GPA as a Predictor of First-Year GPA
JT Steedle, JD Way - Educational Assessment, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Despite lack of standardization, high school grade-point average (HSGPA) is frequently the
best single predictor of first-year postsecondary GPA (FYGPA). This study evaluated the …
best single predictor of first-year postsecondary GPA (FYGPA). This study evaluated the …
[HTML][HTML] Инфляция школьных отметок в период пандемии COVID-19: неожиданный эффект или антикризисная стратегия?
Закрытие образовательных организаций и перевод учебного процесса в
дистанционный формат в период пандемии COVID-19 стали шоковым событием для …
дистанционный формат в период пандемии COVID-19 стали шоковым событием для …
Grade Inflation in Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Unexpected Effect or Anti-Crisis Strategy?
T Alishev, F Gafarov, P Ustin, A Khalfieva - … /Educational Studies Moscow, 2022 - vo.hse.ru
The closure of educational institutions and the transfer of the learning process to a distance
format during the COVID-19 pandemic came as a shock to everyone involved in the …
format during the COVID-19 pandemic came as a shock to everyone involved in the …