The effects of defaunation on plants' capacity to track climate change

EC Fricke, A Ordonez, HS Rogers, JC Svenning - Science, 2022 -
Half of all plant species rely on animals to disperse their seeds. Seed dispersal interactions
lost through defaunation and gained during novel community assembly influence whether …

Why are some plant species missing from restorations? A diagnostic tool for temperate grassland ecosystems

M De Vitis, K Havens, RS Barak… - Frontiers in …, 2022 -
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to accelerate actions to prevent, halt, and
reverse the degradation of ecosystems, and re-establish ecosystem functioning and species …

Seed dispersal by mesocarnivores: importance and functional uniqueness in a changing world

Y Nakashima, E Do Linh San - Small carnivores: Evolution …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Seed dispersal may be a major ecological role of mesocarnivores. However, the general
features of seed dispersal by mesocarnivores are not well elucidated. Here, we review the …

The importance of representative sampling for home range estimation in field primatology

OT Jacobson, MC Crofoot, S Perry, K Hench… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Understanding the amount of space required by animals to fulfill their biological needs is
essential for comprehending their behavior, their ecological role within their community, and …

Endozoochorous dispersal of forest seeds by carnivorous mammals in Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico

FA Rubalcava‐Castillo, J Sosa‐Ramírez… - Ecology and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Some carnivorous mammals ingest fruit and disperse seeds of forest plant species capable
of colonizing disturbed areas in ecosystems. The objective of the present study was to …

Scatter-hoarding birds disperse seeds to sites unfavorable for plant regeneration

MC Sorensen, T Mueller, I Donoso, V Graf, D Merges… - Movement Ecology, 2022 - Springer
Scatter-hoarding birds provide effective long-distance seed dispersal for plants.
Transporting seeds far promotes population spread, colonization of new areas, and …

Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas

EW Heymann, L Culot, C Knogge, AC Smith… - Scientific reports, 2019 -
Increasingly large proportions of tropical forests are anthropogenically disturbed. Where
natural regeneration is possible at all, it requires the input of plant seeds through seed …

Analysing the distance decay of community similarity in river networks using Bayesian methods

FS Dias, M Betancourt, PM Rodríguez-González… - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
The distance decay of community similarity (DDCS) is a pattern that is widely observed in
terrestrial and aquatic environments. Niche-based theories argue that species are sorted in …

Forest cover at landscape scales increases male and female gametic diversity of palm seedlings

Z Diaz‐Martin, J Karubian - Molecular Ecology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Genetic diversity shapes the evolutionary potential of plant populations. For outcrossing
plants, genetic diversity is influenced by effective population size and by dispersal, first of …

The effect of urbanization and behavioral factors on coyote net displacement and its implications for seed dispersal

TA Gelmi-Candusso, TJ Wheeldon, BR Patterson… - Urban …, 2024 - Springer
Coyotes (Canis latrans) may be important seed dispersal vectors in urban areas, given their
omnivorous diet and wide-ranging movement patterns potentially able to bypass …