Re-evaluating the effect of age on physical activity over the lifespan
Advancements in accelerometer analytic and visualization techniques allow researchers to
more precisely identify and compare critical periods of physical activity (PA) decline by age …
more precisely identify and compare critical periods of physical activity (PA) decline by age …
Organizing and analyzing the activity data in NHANES
The NHANES study contains objectively measured physical activity data collected using hip-
worn accelerometers from multiple cohorts. However, using the accelerometry data has …
worn accelerometers from multiple cohorts. However, using the accelerometry data has …
[KNJIGA][B] Semiparametric regression with R
Our goal is to provide an easy-to-follow applied book on semiparametric regression
methods using R. Semiparametric regression has a large literature, but much of it is geared …
methods using R. Semiparametric regression has a large literature, but much of it is geared …
[KNJIGA][B] Functional data analysis with R
Emerging technologies generate data sets of increased size and complexity that require
new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These …
new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These …
Fast multilevel functional principal component analysis
We introduce fast multilevel functional principal component analysis (fast MFPCA), which
scales up to high dimensional functional data measured at multiple visits. The new approach …
scales up to high dimensional functional data measured at multiple visits. The new approach …
Longitudinal functional data analysis
SY Park, AM Staicu - Stat, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We consider dependent functional data that are correlated because of a longitudinal‐based
design: each subject is observed at repeated times and at each time, a functional …
design: each subject is observed at repeated times and at each time, a functional …
Fast covariance estimation for sparse functional data
Smoothing of noisy sample covariances is an important component in functional data
analysis. We propose a novel covariance smoothing method based on penalized splines …
analysis. We propose a novel covariance smoothing method based on penalized splines …
Quantifying the lifetime circadian rhythm of physical activity: a covariate-dependent functional approach
Objective measurement of physical activity using wearable devices such as accelerometers
may provide tantalizing new insights into the association between activity and health …
may provide tantalizing new insights into the association between activity and health …
Additive functional Cox model
We propose the additive functional Cox model to flexibly quantify the association between
functional covariates and time to event data. The model extends the linear functional …
functional covariates and time to event data. The model extends the linear functional …
Bayesian distributed lag interaction models to identify perinatal windows of vulnerability in children's health
Epidemiological research supports an association between maternal exposure to air
pollution during pregnancy and adverse children's health outcomes. Advances in exposure …
pollution during pregnancy and adverse children's health outcomes. Advances in exposure …