Competitive advantage from ERP projects: Examining the role of key implementation drivers

J Ram, ML Wu, R Tagg - International Journal of Project Management, 2014 - Elsevier
In this study, we build a conceptual model, which draws upon information systems
implementation theory, to investigate the relationship between critical success factors …

Critical challenges in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation

S Menon - International Journal of Business and Management, 2019 -
This research paper explores critical challenges in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
implementation based on insights from an exploratory qualitative single case study in the …

Examining the role of organizational readiness in ERP project delivery

J Ram, D Corkindale, ML Wu - Journal of Computer Information …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Research studies have shown that organisational readiness (OGRD) is a significant
antecedent to the adoption and post-implementation success of enterprise resource …

Reasons for customizing packaged enterprise systems: a case study on an enterprise asset management system

C Singh, S Pekkola - Journal of Information Technology Case and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Companies acquire information systems as software products developed by software
vendors. These products, usually referred to as packaged enterprise systems (PESs), are …

[PDF][PDF] Critical success factors for ERP projects: Recommendations from a Canadian exploratory study

S Menon - International Journal of Business and Management, 2020 -
This research paper discusses key recommendations for improving future Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) implementations based on insights from an exploratory qualitative …

[КНИГА][B] Critical challenges in ERP implementation: A qualitative case study in the Canadian oil and gas industry

SA Menon - 2016 -
This exploratory qualitative single-case study examines critical challenges encountered
during ERP implementation based on individual perspectives in four project roles: senior …

Effective strategies to overcome challenges in ERP projects: perspectives from a Canadian exploratory study

S Menon - International Business Research, 2019 -
This qualitative exploratory case study explores strategies and mitigating actions for
successful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations. The research was …

[PDF][PDF] Arti Penting Visi Busines dalam Implementasi Sistem ERP

WA Winarno - Jurnal Ekonomi Akuntansi dan Manajemen, 2011 -
Sistem ERP adalah solusi paket peranti lunak komprehensif yang bertujuan untuk
mengintegrasikan secara total dari keseluruhan fungsi dan proses busines. Dalam …

[PDF][PDF] Ilmajoen Sähkökoje Oy: n prosessien kehittäminen: Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä integroituna taloushallintojärjestelmään

AJ Hautamäki - 2023 -
Ilmajoen Sähkökoje Oy on pk-yritys Ilmajoen Koskenkorvalta, ja se valmistaa räätälöityjä
sähkökeskuksia kiinteistöille ja teollisuuteen yli 40 vuoden kokemuksella. Työn tavoitteena …

Critical Success Factors Related to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation in Saudi Arabia's Hospitals

B Alhuthaifi - 2018 -
This dissertation investigated the predictors of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
implementation in Saudi hospitals. This work contributes to the limited research on ERP's …