A systematic review on green human resource management: Implications for social sustainability
VN Amrutha, SN Geetha - Journal of Cleaner production, 2020 - Elsevier
This article identifies current progressions and research gaps in Green Human Resource
Management literature and investigates the future of green practices in meeting the social …
Management literature and investigates the future of green practices in meeting the social …
Systematic literature review on sustainable human resource management
This study aims to analyze the state-of-the-art of sustainable human resources management
and to identify key elements, trends and research gaps. A systematic literature review was …
and to identify key elements, trends and research gaps. A systematic literature review was …
Effects of green human resource management practices on green innovation and behavior
Purpose This study explores green human resource management in Pakistan's automobile
industry. Design/methodology/approach The nature of the study is quantitative, with cross …
industry. Design/methodology/approach The nature of the study is quantitative, with cross …
Green human resource management, a gateway to employer branding: Mediating role of corporate environmental sustainability and corporate social sustainability
This study proposes a model based on competitive advantage and signaling theories that
show how green human resource management (GHRM) leads to corporate environmental …
show how green human resource management (GHRM) leads to corporate environmental …
Assessing the prioritization of barriers toward green innovation: small and medium enterprises Nexus
Over recent years, there was a substantial rise globally in the importance of the
environmental agenda for SMEs. The customer becomes now conscious of their consumer …
environmental agenda for SMEs. The customer becomes now conscious of their consumer …
How do industry 4.0 technologies influence organisational change? An empirical analysis of Italian SMEs
Purpose This article aims to investigate the organisational implications of adopting Industry
4.0 (I4. 0) technologies, giving specific attention to operations. The paper addresses these …
4.0 (I4. 0) technologies, giving specific attention to operations. The paper addresses these …
Supply chain collaboration for sustainability: A literature review and future research agenda
New technology is altering business strategies and innovation capabilities while increasing
the possibilities of production and process innovation. Supply chain collaboration …
the possibilities of production and process innovation. Supply chain collaboration …
Effects of green human resource management and managerial environmental concern on green innovation
W Song, H Yu, H Xu - European journal of innovation management, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Green human resource management (GHRM) is critical to enhancing the ability of
the companies' green innovation, but this link is rarely explored or empirically tested in the …
the companies' green innovation, but this link is rarely explored or empirically tested in the …
Barriers to green supply chain management: An emerging economy context
Green supply chain management is attracting increasing attention as a way to decrease the
adverse environmental effects of industries worldwide. However, considering the context of …
adverse environmental effects of industries worldwide. However, considering the context of …
Sustainability as a dynamic organizational capability: a systematic review and a future agenda toward a sustainable transition
LBL Amui, CJC Jabbour, ABL de Sousa Jabbour… - Journal of cleaner …, 2017 - Elsevier
Sustainability is a managerial trend that plays an important role in the contemporary
organizational strategy. A company's capability to make sustainability more dynamic and …
organizational strategy. A company's capability to make sustainability more dynamic and …