Public value reporting: Adding value to (non-) financial reporting

T Meynhardt, A Bäro - Public Value, 2019 -
This chapter presents an approach to Public Value Reporting which is relevant to
organizations, non-governmental institutions, and public administrations. In order to …

Public perceptions of Frankfurt Airport's value-A survey approach

V Zimmermann, U Felscher-Suhr, J Vogt - Journal of Air Transport …, 2018 - Elsevier
The public perception of an organization's contribution to society is of importance not only for
society but also for the organization itself, eg, in terms of customer satisfaction or standing in …

[PDF][PDF] Public Value Creation in State-Owned Enterprises and Economic Recovery Post Covid-19: The Case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia

U Nugraha, AYS Rahayu, C Wijaya - Review of Integrative …, 2023 -
ABSTRACT State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have played a critical role in social and
economic development in Indonesia (Mardjana, 1992). In addition to their profit motive …

Uticaj izveštavanja o nefinansijskim performansama u izveštaju o održivom razvoju na profitabilnost kompanija energetskog sektora u Evropi i Republici Srbiji

A Savić - Универзитет у Нишу, 2023 -
Савић, A., Фабјан, M. & Трнавац, Д.(2021). Компаративна анализа макроекономских
показатеља у процесу економске транзиције у земљама Централне и Источне …

[การอ้างอิง][C] Legitimacy, public value, & capital allocation

C Bilolo - 2018 - University of St. Gallen