Superconductivity in iron compounds
GR Stewart - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
Kamihara and coworkers' report of superconductivity at T c= 26 K in fluorine-doped
LaFeAsO inspired a worldwide effort to understand the nature of the superconductivity in this …
LaFeAsO inspired a worldwide effort to understand the nature of the superconductivity in this …
The puzzle of high temperature superconductivity in layered iron pnictides and chalcogenides
DC Johnston - Advances in Physics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The response of the worldwide scientific community to the discovery in 2008 of
superconductivity at T c= 26 K in the Fe-based compound LaFeAsO1− x F x has been very …
superconductivity at T c= 26 K in the Fe-based compound LaFeAsO1− x F x has been very …
Antiferromagnetic order and spin dynamics in iron-based superconductors
P Dai - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
High-transition temperature (high-T c) superconductivity in the iron pnictides or
chalcogenides emerges from the suppression of the static antiferromagnetic order in their …
chalcogenides emerges from the suppression of the static antiferromagnetic order in their …
Magnetism in Fe-based superconductors
In this review, we present a summary of experimental studies of magnetism in Fe-based
superconductors. The do** dependent phase diagram shows strong similarities to the …
superconductors. The do** dependent phase diagram shows strong similarities to the …
Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in CaFe2As2
Antiferromagnetism is relevant to high-temperature (high-T c) superconductivity because
copper oxide and iron arsenide superconductors arise from electron-or hole-do** of their …
copper oxide and iron arsenide superconductors arise from electron-or hole-do** of their …
Spin-orbital frustrations and anomalous metallic state in iron-pnictide superconductors
We develop an understanding of the anomalous metal state of the parent compounds of
recently discovered iron-based superconductors starting from a strong-coupling viewpoint …
recently discovered iron-based superconductors starting from a strong-coupling viewpoint …
Charge-carrier localization induced by excess Fe in the superconductor
We have investigated the effect of Fe nonstoichiometry on properties of the Fe 1+ y (Te, Se)
superconductor system by means of resistivity, Hall coefficient, magnetic susceptibility, and …
superconductor system by means of resistivity, Hall coefficient, magnetic susceptibility, and …
High-temperature superconductivity in iron-based layered iron compounds
MV Sadovskii - Physics-Uspekhi, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
Basic experimental data are presented for a new class of high-temperature superconductors—
iron-based layered compounds of the types REOFeAs (RE= La, Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm,...), AFe 2 As …
iron-based layered compounds of the types REOFeAs (RE= La, Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm,...), AFe 2 As …
Observation of Dirac Cone Electronic Dispersion in
We performed an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of BaFe 2 As 2, which
is the parent compound of the so-called 122 phase of the iron-pnictide high-temperature …
is the parent compound of the so-called 122 phase of the iron-pnictide high-temperature …
Two-dimensional resonant magnetic excitation in
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements on single crystals of superconducting BaFe 1.84
Co 0.16 As 2 reveal a magnetic excitation located at wave vectors (1/2 1/2 L) in tetragonal …
Co 0.16 As 2 reveal a magnetic excitation located at wave vectors (1/2 1/2 L) in tetragonal …