Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity

AJ Reid, AK Carlson, IF Creed, EJ Eliason… - Biological …, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
In the 12 years since Dudgeon et al.(2006) reviewed major pressures on freshwater
ecosystems, the biodiversity crisis in the world's lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams and …

Water-energy-food nexus: Concepts, questions and methodologies

C Zhang, X Chen, Y Li, W Ding, G Fu - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018‏ - Elsevier
The water-energy-food nexus has gained increasing attention in the research communities
as the security of water, energy and food becomes a very high concern due to future …

Bending the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss: an emergency recovery plan

D Tickner, JJ Opperman, R Abell, M Acreman… - …, 2020‏ - academic.oup.com
Despite their limited spatial extent, freshwater ecosystems host remarkable biodiversity,
including one-third of all vertebrate species. This biodiversity is declining dramatically …

The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice

AT Silva, MC Lucas, T Castro‐Santos… - Fish and …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
Much effort has been devoted to develo**, constructing and refining fish passage facilities
to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science …

Sustainable development, poverty eradication and reducing inequalities

J Roy, P Tscharket, H Waisman, S Abdul Halim… - 2018‏ - centaur.reading.ac.uk
This chapter takes sustainable development as the starting point and focus for analysis. It
considers the broad and multifaceted bi-directional interplay between sustainable …

A fresh look at inland fisheries and their role in food security and livelihoods

S Funge‐Smith, A Bennett - Fish and Fisheries, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
The role of inland fisheries in livelihoods, food security and sustainable development is often
overshadowed by the higher profile interest in ocean issues. Whilst inland fisheries' catch …

Fish conservation in freshwater and marine realms: status, threats and management

AH Arthington, NK Dulvy, W Gladstone… - Aquatic Conservation …, 2016‏ - Wiley Online Library
Despite the disparities in size and volume of marine and freshwater realms, a strikingly
similar number of species is found in each–with 15 150 Actinopterygian fishes in fresh water …

The living planet index (LPI) for migratory freshwater fish: Technical report

S Deinet, K Scott-Gatty, H Rotton, WM Twardek… - 2020‏ - research.rug.nl
Migratory freshwater fish (ie fish that use freshwater systems, either partly or exclusively)
occur around the world and travel between critical habitats to complete their life cycle. They …

The water-energy-food nexus: Is the increasing attention warranted, from either a research or policy perspective?

D Wichelns - Environmental Science & Policy, 2017‏ - Elsevier
In recent years, the notion of a nexus involving water, energy, and food has been gaining
attention in the scholarly literature and popular press, due partly to the impetus provided by …

[PDF][PDF] Risk management and decision-making in relation to sustainable development

M Hurlbert, J Krishnaswamy, E Davin, FX Johnson… - 2019‏ - researcharchive.lincoln.ac.nz
Increases in global mean surface temperature are projected to result in continued
permafrost degradation and coastal degradation (high confidence), increased wildfire …