Ending the drought: new strategies for improving the flow of affordable, effective antivenoms in Asia and Africa
The development of snake antivenoms more than a century ago should have heralded
effective treatment of the scourge of snakebite envenoming in impoverished, mostly rural …
effective treatment of the scourge of snakebite envenoming in impoverished, mostly rural …
Proteomic tools against the neglected pathology of snake bite envenoming
JJ Calvete - Expert review of proteomics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This article covers the application of proteomic tools ('venomics','antivenomics' and 'venom
phenoty**') to study the composition and natural history of snake venoms, and the cross …
phenoty**') to study the composition and natural history of snake venoms, and the cross …
Snake venomics: from the inventory of toxins to biology
JJ Calvete - Toxicon, 2013 - Elsevier
A deep understanding of the composition of venoms and of the principles governing the
evolution of venomous systems is of applied importance for exploring the enormous …
evolution of venomous systems is of applied importance for exploring the enormous …
Venoms of Micrurus coral snakes: Evolutionary trends in compositional patterns emerging from proteomic analyses
The application of proteomic tools to the study of snake venoms has led to an impressive
growth in the knowledge about their composition (venomics), immunogenicity …
growth in the knowledge about their composition (venomics), immunogenicity …
Proteomics in evolutionary ecology: linking the genotype with the phenotype
AP Diz, M MARTÍNEZ‐FERNÁNDEZ… - Molecular …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The study of the proteome (proteomics), which includes the dynamics of protein expression,
regulation, interactions and its function, has played a less prominent role in evolutionary and …
regulation, interactions and its function, has played a less prominent role in evolutionary and …
Immune response towards snake venoms
G León, L Sánchez, A Hernández… - … & Allergy-Drug …, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
The immune response involves a complex repertoire of innate and adaptive responses to
foreign agents in the organism. The present review focuses on the immune response to …
foreign agents in the organism. The present review focuses on the immune response to …
Snake venomics and venom gland transcriptomic analysis of Brazilian coral snakes, Micrurus altirostris and M. corallinus
C Corrêa-Netto, I de LM Junqueira-de-Azevedo… - Journal of …, 2011 - Elsevier
The venom proteomes of Micrurus altirostris and M. corallinus were analyzed by combining
snake venomics and venom gland transcriptomic surveys. In both coral snake species, 3FTx …
snake venomics and venom gland transcriptomic surveys. In both coral snake species, 3FTx …
Venomous snakes of Costa Rica: Biological and medical implications of their venom proteomic profiles analyzed through the strategy of snake venomics
In spite of its small territory of~ 50,000 km 2, Costa Rica harbors a remarkably rich
biodiversity. Its herpetofauna includes 138 species of snakes, of which sixteen pit vipers …
biodiversity. Its herpetofauna includes 138 species of snakes, of which sixteen pit vipers …
Snake venom: From fieldwork to the clinic: Recent insights into snake biology, together with new technology allowing high‐throughput screening of venom, bring new …
Snake venoms are recognized here as a grossly under‐explored resource in
pharmacological prospecting. Discoveries in snake systematics demonstrate that former …
pharmacological prospecting. Discoveries in snake systematics demonstrate that former …
[HTML][HTML] Envenenamientos por mordeduras de serpientes en América Latina y el Caribe: Una visión integral de carácter regional
JM Gutiérrez - Boletín de malariología y salud ambiental, 2011 - ve.scielo.org
Se analiza la situación de los envenenamientos por mordeduras de serpiente en América
Latina y el Caribe, los cuales representan un importante problema de Salud Pública en la …
Latina y el Caribe, los cuales representan un importante problema de Salud Pública en la …