The integrated brain network that controls respiration
Respiration is a brain function on which our lives essentially depend. Control of respiration
ensures that the frequency and depth of breathing adapt continuously to metabolic needs. In …
ensures that the frequency and depth of breathing adapt continuously to metabolic needs. In …
A new unifying account of the roles of neuronal entrainment
Rhythms are a fundamental and defining feature of neuronal activity in animals including
humans. This rhythmic brain activity interacts in complex ways with rhythms in the internal …
humans. This rhythmic brain activity interacts in complex ways with rhythms in the internal …
Breathing coordinates cortico-hippocampal dynamics in mice during offline states
Network dynamics have been proposed as a mechanistic substrate for the information
transfer across cortical and hippocampal circuits. However, little is known about the …
transfer across cortical and hippocampal circuits. However, little is known about the …
Oscillating circuitries in the slee** brain
AR Adamantidis, C Gutierrez Herrera… - Nature Reviews …, 2019 - nature.com
Brain activity during sleep is characterized by circuit-specific oscillations, including slow
waves, spindles and theta waves, which are nested in thalamocortical or hippocampal …
waves, spindles and theta waves, which are nested in thalamocortical or hippocampal …
Breathing above the brain stem: volitional control and attentional modulation in humans
Whereas the neurophysiology of respiration has traditionally focused on automatic brain
stem processes, higher brain mechanisms underlying the cognitive aspects of breathing are …
stem processes, higher brain mechanisms underlying the cognitive aspects of breathing are …
In the body's eye: the computational anatomy of interoceptive inference
A growing body of evidence highlights the intricate linkage of exteroceptive perception to the
rhythmic activity of the visceral body. In parallel, interoceptive inference theories of affective …
rhythmic activity of the visceral body. In parallel, interoceptive inference theories of affective …
Dynamic synchronization between hippocampal representations and step**
The hippocampus is a mammalian brain structure that expresses spatial representations
and is crucial for navigation,. Navigation, in turn, intricately depends on locomotion; …
and is crucial for navigation,. Navigation, in turn, intricately depends on locomotion; …
[HTML][HTML] Dance on the brain: enhancing intra-and inter-brain synchrony
Dance has traditionally been viewed from a Eurocentric perspective as a mode of self-
expression that involves the human body moving through space, performed for the purposes …
expression that involves the human body moving through space, performed for the purposes …
Hypothesis: pulmonary afferent activity patterns during slow, deep breathing contribute to the neural induction of physiological relaxation
DJ Noble, S Hochman - Frontiers in physiology, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Control of respiration provides a powerful voluntary portal to entrain and modulate central
autonomic networks. Slowing and deepening breathing as a relaxation technique has …
autonomic networks. Slowing and deepening breathing as a relaxation technique has …
Respiration modulates oscillatory neural network activity at rest
Despite recent advances in understanding how respiration affects neural signalling to
influence perception, cognition, and behaviour, it is yet unclear to what extent breathing …
influence perception, cognition, and behaviour, it is yet unclear to what extent breathing …