State-of-the-art approaches for meta-knowledge assertion in the web of data
The integration of meta-knowledge on the Web of data is essential to support
trustworthiness. This is in fact an issue because of the enormous amount of data that exists …
trustworthiness. This is in fact an issue because of the enormous amount of data that exists …
AnQL: SPARQLing up annotated RDFS
Starting from the general framework for Annotated RDFS which we presented in previous
work (extending Udrea et al's Annotated RDF), we address the development of a query …
work (extending Udrea et al's Annotated RDF), we address the development of a query …
RDFM: An alternative approach for representing, storing, and maintaining meta-knowledge in web of data
Abstract The Web of Data needs additional information, ie, meta-knowledge to ensure
quality and build the trust in data. For representing meta-knowledge, there exist various …
quality and build the trust in data. For representing meta-knowledge, there exist various …
Temporal reasoning for RDF (S): A Markov logic based approach
J Huber - 2014 - madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de
In this work, we propose a formalism that is suitable to carry out temporal reasoning for
probabilistic knowledge bases. In particular, we focus on detecting erroneous statements by …
probabilistic knowledge bases. In particular, we focus on detecting erroneous statements by …
[PDF][PDF] Extensions of sparql towards heterogeneous sources and domain annotations
N Lopes - 9th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2010 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Extensions of SPARQL towards Heterogeneous Sources and Domain Annotations Page 1
Extensions of SPARQL towards Heterogeneous Sources and Domain Annotations Nuno …
Extensions of SPARQL towards Heterogeneous Sources and Domain Annotations Nuno …
[PDF][PDF] Completeness in Annotated RDF
VSO Guillermo - 2013 - scholar.archive.org
The Annotated RDF was proposed by Udrea et al. In the year 2006 in paper [9], where they
introduce triples of the form (s, p: λ, o), with pa predicate and λ an element of a partially …
introduce triples of the form (s, p: λ, o), with pa predicate and λ an element of a partially …