Re-thinking research on born globals
Abstract Knight and Cavusgil's Journal of International Business Studies Decade Award-
winning article offers numerous contributions to international business research. As one …
winning article offers numerous contributions to international business research. As one …
The concept of international opportunity in international entrepreneurship: a review and a research agenda
Recent research in the field of international entrepreneurship (IE) has emphasized the
concept of international opportunity. The entrepreneurial behaviors focused on international …
concept of international opportunity. The entrepreneurial behaviors focused on international …
[HTML][HTML] The development of international e-commerce in retail SMEs: An effectuation perspective
There is an urgent need in the field of international entrepreneurship to elucidate how SMEs
can pursue new opportunities in a digital international business environment. The purpose …
can pursue new opportunities in a digital international business environment. The purpose …
Internationalization orientation in SMEs: The mediating role of technological innovation
This study examines the relationship between internationalization orientation and
international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the mediating …
international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the mediating …
International entrepreneurship research (1989–2009): a domain ontology and thematic analysis
This article explores the domain of international entrepreneurship (IE) research by
thematically map** and assessing the intellectual territory of the field. Extant reviews show …
thematically map** and assessing the intellectual territory of the field. Extant reviews show …
Technology, innovation and knowledge: The importance of ideas and international connectivity
The relevance of ideas is at the core of the IB field and has been captured in concepts like
technology, innovation and knowledge. While these concepts have evolved over the last …
technology, innovation and knowledge. While these concepts have evolved over the last …
[HTML][HTML] Foreign market entry knowledge and international performance: The mediating role of international market selection and network capability
While the literature emphasizes the importance of knowledge and foreign market knowledge
for international performance, it is unclear about the intervening/mediating relationships …
for international performance, it is unclear about the intervening/mediating relationships …
Decision mode, information and network attachment in the internationalization of SMEs: A configurational and contingency analysis
There has been limited attention to the internationalization of SMEs as a decision, and how
the use of contrasting decision modes is associated with different information use and …
the use of contrasting decision modes is associated with different information use and …
SME internationalization beyond exporting: A knowledge-based perspective across managers and advisers
Micromultinationals are small and medium-sized enterprises that engage in foreign market
entry modes beyond exporting. The purpose of this study is to unveil the knowledge types …
entry modes beyond exporting. The purpose of this study is to unveil the knowledge types …
International entrepreneurship: A critical analysis of studies in the past two decades and future directions for research
International entrepreneurship (IE) is an emerging field with a rapidly growing body of
knowledge. This paper examines gaps, issues and trends of the IE in the last two decades …
knowledge. This paper examines gaps, issues and trends of the IE in the last two decades …