Building a tuberculosis-free world: The Lancet Commission on tuberculosis
Executive summary Tuberculosis can be treated, prevented, and cured. Rapid, sustained
declines in tuberculosis deaths in many countries during the past 50 years provide …
declines in tuberculosis deaths in many countries during the past 50 years provide …
Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection
Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection | New England Journal of Medicine Skip to main
content The New England Journal of Medicine homepage Advanced Search SEARCH …
content The New England Journal of Medicine homepage Advanced Search SEARCH …
[КНИГА][B] WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 2: screening-systematic screening for tuberculosis disease
World Health Organization - 2021 - books.google.com
The WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 2: screening–systematic
screening for tuberculosis disease is an updated and consolidated summary of WHO …
screening for tuberculosis disease is an updated and consolidated summary of WHO …
A trial of early antiretrovirals and isoniazid preventive therapy in Africa
Temprano ANRS 12136 Study … - New England Journal of …, 2015 - Mass Medical Soc
Background In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–
associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess …
associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess …
[КНИГА][B] WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis: tuberculosis preventive treatment
World Health Organization - 2020 - books.google.com
The WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis: tuberculosis preventive treatment
provides a comprehensive set of recommendations for programmatic management of …
provides a comprehensive set of recommendations for programmatic management of …
[HTML][HTML] Management of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: WHO guidelines for low tuberculosis burden countries
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is characterised by the presence of immune responses to
previously acquired Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection without clinical evidence of active …
previously acquired Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection without clinical evidence of active …
Guidelines for intensified tuberculosis case-finding and isoniazid preventive therapy for people living with HIV in resource-constrained settings (Chinese version)
World Health Organization - … for people living with HIV in …, 2012 - pesquisa.bvsalud.org
Guidelines for intensified tuberculosis case-finding and isoniazid preventive therapy for people
living with HIV in resource-constrained settings (Chinese version) | Manila; WHO Regional Office …
living with HIV in resource-constrained settings (Chinese version) | Manila; WHO Regional Office …
Clinical standards for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB infection
GB Migliori, SJ Wu, A Matteelli, D Zenner… - … of Tuberculosis and …, 2022 - ingentaconnect.com
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) preventive therapy (TPT) decreases the risk of
develo** TB disease and its associated morbidity and mortality. The aim of these clinical …
develo** TB disease and its associated morbidity and mortality. The aim of these clinical …
Effect on mortality of point-of-care, urine-based lipoarabinomannan testing to guide tuberculosis treatment initiation in HIV-positive hospital inpatients: a pragmatic …
Background HIV-associated tuberculosis is difficult to diagnose and results in high mortality.
Frequent extra-pulmonary presentation, inability to obtain sputum, and paucibacillary …
Frequent extra-pulmonary presentation, inability to obtain sputum, and paucibacillary …
Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of tuberculosis in adults with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is the strongest risk factor for
develo** tuberculosis and has fuelled its resurgence, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In …
develo** tuberculosis and has fuelled its resurgence, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In …