The indirect effects of ocean acidification on corals and coral communities
Ocean acidification (OA) is a major threat to marine calcifying organisms. This manuscript
gives an overview of the physiological effects of acidification on reef-building corals from a …
gives an overview of the physiological effects of acidification on reef-building corals from a …
[HTML][HTML] Ecology and distribution of red king crab larvae in the Barents Sea: A review
VG Dvoretsky, AG Dvoretsky - Water, 2022 -
The red king crab (RKC) is a large invasive species inhabiting bottom communities in the
Barents Sea. Larval stages of RKC play an important role in determining the spread and …
Barents Sea. Larval stages of RKC play an important role in determining the spread and …
Ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico: Drivers, impacts, and unknowns
Ocean acidification (OA) has resulted in global-scale changes in ocean chemistry, which
can disturb marine organisms and ecosystems. Despite its extensively populated coastline …
can disturb marine organisms and ecosystems. Despite its extensively populated coastline …
Decline of a distinct coral reef holobiont community under ocean acidification
Background Microbes play vital roles across coral reefs both in the environment and inside
and upon macrobes (holobionts), where they support critical functions such as nutrition and …
and upon macrobes (holobionts), where they support critical functions such as nutrition and …
Anthracene and pyrene biodegradation performance of marine sponge symbiont bacteria consortium
Every petroleum-processing plant produces sewage sludge containing several types of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The degradation of PAHs via physical, biological …
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The degradation of PAHs via physical, biological …
High coral recruitment despite coralline algal loss under extreme environmental conditions
The crucial role of crustose coralline algae (CCA) in inducing hard coral larval settlement
and ensuring the replenishment of coral reefs is widely accepted, and so are the negative …
and ensuring the replenishment of coral reefs is widely accepted, and so are the negative …
Sponge functional roles in a changing world
Sponges are ecologically important benthic organisms with many important functional roles.
However, despite increasing global interest in the functions that sponges perform, there has …
However, despite increasing global interest in the functions that sponges perform, there has …
Positive interspecific interactions on coral reefs in a changing climate: a review
Positive interactions are important drivers of community structure and ecosystem function
worldwide. This is perhaps best exemplified on coral reefs, where facilitative interactions are …
worldwide. This is perhaps best exemplified on coral reefs, where facilitative interactions are …
Symbiont composition and coral genotype determines massive coral species performance under end-of-century climate scenarios
The recent decline of coral health and substantial loss of coral cover along Florida's Coral
Reef (FCR) results from local stressors such as degraded water quality and disease …
Reef (FCR) results from local stressors such as degraded water quality and disease …
Effects of ocean acidification on growth and photophysiology of two tropical reef macroalgae
Macroalgae can modify coral reef community structure and ecosystem function through a
variety of mechanisms, including mediation of biogeochemistry through photosynthesis and …
variety of mechanisms, including mediation of biogeochemistry through photosynthesis and …