What we talk about when we talk about seasonality–A transdisciplinary review

O Kwiecien, T Braun, CF Brunello, P Faulkner… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …

[HTML][HTML] New insights into the climate of northern Iberia during the Younger Dryas and Holocene: The Mendukilo multi-speleothem record

JL Bernal-Wormull, A Moreno, M Bartolomé… - Quaternary Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
Recent hydroclimate studies on the Iberian Peninsula have shown a complex regional
pattern in timing and intensity of climate change spanning the Younger Dryas and the …

SISALv2: A comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age-depth models

L Comas-Bru, K Rehfeld, C Roesch… - Earth System …, 2020 - essd.copernicus.org
Characterizing the temporal uncertainty in palaeoclimate records is crucial for analysing
past climate change, correlating climate events between records, assessing climate …

Atmospheric circulation over Europe during the Younger Dryas

BR Rea, R Pellitero, M Spagnolo, P Hughes… - Science …, 2020 - science.org
The Younger Dryas (YD) was a period of rapid climate cooling that occurred at the end of the
last glaciation. Here, we present the first palaeoglacier-derived reconstruction of YD …

[HTML][HTML] SISALv3: a global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database

N Kaushal, FA Lechleitner, M Wilhelm… - … system science data, 2024 - essd.copernicus.org
Palaeoclimate information on multiple climate variables at different spatiotemporal scales is
becoming increasingly important to understand environmental and societal responses to …

[HTML][HTML] Late-glacial and Holocene shifts in the mountain landscapes of the Cantabrian range (northern Spain) in response to changing climate, fire occurrence and …

A van der Horst, W Tinner, FJ Ezquerra, E Gobet… - Quaternary Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract A new well-dated (18 14 C dates on short-lived terrestrial plant macrofossils, 210
Pb and 137 Cs dating) fine-resolution palaeoecological sequence (pollen, coprophilous …

Climate deterioration and subsistence economy in prehistoric Southern Iberia: an evaluation of potential links based on regional trajectories

J Schirrmacher, NJ Almeida, HP Stika… - Environmental …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The potential impact of climatic deterioration on societal breakdowns in prehistory is often
based on the mere coincidence of archaeological and palaeoclimatological proxies. For a …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing anthropogenic influence on fire history during the Holocene in the Iberian Peninsula

L Sweeney, SP Harrison, M Vander Linden - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
The relative importance of climate change and human activities in influencing regional fire
regimes during the Holocene is still a matter of debate. The introduction of agriculture during …

Immediate temperature response in northern Iberia to last deglacial changes in the North Atlantic

JL Bernal-Wormull, A Moreno, C Pérez-Mejías… - …, 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Major disruptions in the North Atlantic circulation during the last deglaciation triggered a
series of climate feedbacks that influenced the course of Termination I, suggesting an almost …

Detecting and quantifying palaeoseasonality in stalagmites using geochemical and modelling approaches

JUL Baldini, FA Lechleitner, SFM Breitenbach… - Quaternary science …, 2021 - Elsevier
Stalagmites are an extraordinarily powerful resource for the reconstruction of climatological
palaeoseasonality. Here, we provide a review of different types of seasonality preserved by …