EEG-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces for Communication and Rehabilitation of People with Motor Impairment: A Novel Approach of the 21st Century
People with severe neurological impairments face many challenges in sensorimotor
functions and communication with the environment; therefore they have increased demand …
functions and communication with the environment; therefore they have increased demand …
GR Müller-Putz - Handbook of clinical neurology, 2020 - Elsevier
The electroencephalogram (EEG) was invented almost 100 years ago and is still a method
of choice for many research questions, even applications—from functional brain imaging in …
of choice for many research questions, even applications—from functional brain imaging in …
Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain–computer interface
The study aimed at revealing electrophysiological indicators of mental workload and fatigue
during prolonged usage of a P300 brain–computer interface (BCI). Mental workload was …
during prolonged usage of a P300 brain–computer interface (BCI). Mental workload was …
Critiquing the concept of BCI illiteracy
MC Thompson - Science and engineering ethics, 2019 - Springer
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are a form of technology that read a user's neural signals
to perform a task, often with the aim of inferring user intention. They demonstrate potential in …
to perform a task, often with the aim of inferring user intention. They demonstrate potential in …
The user-centered design as novel perspective for evaluating the usability of BCI-controlled applications
Albeit research on brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for controlling applications has expanded
tremendously, we still face a translational gap when bringing BCI to end-users. To bridge …
tremendously, we still face a translational gap when bringing BCI to end-users. To bridge …
A high performance spelling system based on EEG-EOG signals with visual feedback
In this paper, we propose a highly accurate and fast spelling system that employs multi-
modal electroencephalography-electrooculography (EEG-EOG) signals and visual feedback …
modal electroencephalography-electrooculography (EEG-EOG) signals and visual feedback …
The history of BCI: From a vision for the future to real support for personhood in people with locked-in syndrome
A Kübler - Neuroethics, 2020 - Springer
The history of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) developed from a mere idea in the days of
early digital technology to today's highly sophisticated approaches for signal detection …
early digital technology to today's highly sophisticated approaches for signal detection …
Long-term independent brain-computer interface home use improves quality of life of a patient in the locked-in state: a case study
Objective Despite intense brain-computer interface (BCI) research for> 2 decades, BCIs
have hardly been established at patients' homes. The current study aimed at demonstrating …
have hardly been established at patients' homes. The current study aimed at demonstrating …
Improved SFFS method for channel selection in motor imagery based BCI
Background Multichannels used in brain–computer interface (BCI) systems contain
redundant information and cause inconvenience for practical application. Channel selection …
redundant information and cause inconvenience for practical application. Channel selection …
Toward brain-computer interface based wheelchair control utilizing tactually-evoked event-related potentials
T Kaufmann, A Herweg, A Kübler - Journal of neuroengineering and …, 2014 - Springer
Background People with severe disabilities, eg due to neurodegenerative disease, depend
on technology that allows for accurate wheelchair control. For those who cannot operate a …
on technology that allows for accurate wheelchair control. For those who cannot operate a …