Age, origin and climatic controls on vegetated linear dunes in the northwestern Negev Desert (Israel)
The stabilized northwestern (NW) Negev vegetated linear dunes (VLD) of Israel extend over
1300 km 2 and form the eastern end of the Northern Sinai–NW Negev Erg. This study aimed …
1300 km 2 and form the eastern end of the Northern Sinai–NW Negev Erg. This study aimed …
Aeolian-fluvial processes control landscape evolution along dunefield margins of the northwestern Negev (Israel) since the late Quaternary
Dunefield margins are sensitive to aeolian-fluvial processes that record local environmental
conditions and climatic events. A common aeolian-fluvial process along dunefield margins is …
conditions and climatic events. A common aeolian-fluvial process along dunefield margins is …
Large-scale, multi-temporal remote sensing of palaeo-river networks: A case study from northwest India and its implications for the Indus Civilisation
Remote sensing has considerable potential to contribute to the identification and
reconstruction of lost hydrological systems and networks. Remote sensing-based …
reconstruction of lost hydrological systems and networks. Remote sensing-based …
Origin of the Sinai–Negev erg, Egypt and Israel: mineralogical and geochemical evidence for the importance of the Nile and sea level history
The Sinai–Negev erg occupies an area of 13,000 km2 in the deserts of Egypt and Israel.
Aeolian sand of this erg has been proposed to be derived from the Nile Delta, but empirical …
Aeolian sand of this erg has been proposed to be derived from the Nile Delta, but empirical …
Synergetic utilization of sentinel-1 SAR and sentinel-2 optical remote sensing data for surface soil moisture estimation for Rupnagar, Punjab, India
Due to improper agricultural and soil management, there has been a drop in crop yield over
the last few years and food security has become a major issue. For a country like India, with …
the last few years and food security has become a major issue. For a country like India, with …
Abrasion-derived sediments under intensified winds at the latest Pleistocene leading edge of the advancing Sinai–Negev erg
Quaternary desert loess and sandstone–loessite relationships in the geological record raise
questions regarding causes and mechanisms of silt formation and accretion. In the northern …
questions regarding causes and mechanisms of silt formation and accretion. In the northern …
Regression-based synergy of optical, shortwave infrared and microwave remote sensing for monitoring the grain-size of intertidal sediments
D Van Der Wal, PMJ Herman - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007 - Elsevier
A method is developed for monitoring the sediment grain-size of intertidal flats in the
Westerschelde (southwest Netherlands), using information from both space-borne …
Westerschelde (southwest Netherlands), using information from both space-borne …
Applying DEM-SRTM for reconstructing a late Quaternary paleodrainage in Amazonia
Remote sensing is a particularly invaluable tool that has helped the detection of
paleomorphologies produced by river dislocation in a variety of landscapes, which has …
paleomorphologies produced by river dislocation in a variety of landscapes, which has …
Sabarmati and its connection with the Harappan port Lothal and the Nal corridor: A study using multi-sensor data, cloud-computing and multi-platforms
Lothal is situated approximately 30 km inland from the Gulf of Khambhat on the western
coast of India in Gujarat. It served as a bustling port during the Bronze Age Harappan period …
coast of India in Gujarat. It served as a bustling port during the Bronze Age Harappan period …
Assessment of waterlogging in agricultural megaprojects in the closed drainage basins of the Western Desert of Egypt
This paper investigates the development of waterlogging in the cultivated and arable areas
within typical dryland closed drainage basins (eg the Farafra and Baharia Oases), which are …
within typical dryland closed drainage basins (eg the Farafra and Baharia Oases), which are …