Do all stars shine the same? Investigating the nonlinear effects of user and critic reviews on video game sales
While research indicates that online reviews from users and critics are key factors in video
game success, their relative importance remains unclear and theoretical rationales for why …
game success, their relative importance remains unclear and theoretical rationales for why …
Flawless victory! Investigating search and experience qualities as antecedent predictors of video game success
In recent years, video games have been on the rise as entertainment goods, leading to a
growing interest by practitioners, researchers, and, of course, consumers alike. While a few …
growing interest by practitioners, researchers, and, of course, consumers alike. While a few …
How Star Power Drives Video Game Success
Well-known actors, or stars, clearly are relevant for movies. Today, their influence also
extends to interactive video games, for which budgets have reached triple-digit millions of …
extends to interactive video games, for which budgets have reached triple-digit millions of …
Electronic Markets on platform transformation
R Alt - Electronic Markets, 2022 - Springer
2000s (Perry, 2016). The same applies to the recent technology platforms in the automotive
sector where manufacturers have joined two large alliances around the hardware providers …
sector where manufacturers have joined two large alliances around the hardware providers …
Identifying Customer Satisfaction Characteristics with the Kano Model for the Agile Development of Video Games
M Barsalou, M Barsalou, SG Klaus - Quality Innovation Prosperity, 2024 -
Purpose: This study aims to use the Kano Model to identify critical attributes that can be used
as features in video games developed using Agile software development. Methodology …
as features in video games developed using Agile software development. Methodology …
Factors Influencing Indonesian Mobile Gamers on Repurchase Intention in Freemium Mobile Game With Perval
A Aprianingsih, BDA Nusantara… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 -
Background: The mobile gaming industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent
years. However, the majority of Indonesian gamers' spending goes to foreign developers …
years. However, the majority of Indonesian gamers' spending goes to foreign developers …
Heterogeneous development paths to growth and innovation: The evolution of the video game industry across four hubs
H Ozalp - 2024 -
This study explores the evolution and success drivers of the global video game industry,
focusing on key hubs within Finland, Poland, Japan, and the United States. Using a …
focusing on key hubs within Finland, Poland, Japan, and the United States. Using a …
การ สื่อสาร แบบ ปากต่อปาก ผ่าน สื่อ อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ทัศนคติ และ ความ ตั้งใจ ซื้อ ผลิตภัณฑ์ วีดีโอ เกม ที่ มี การ เจือปน ความ จริง แท้ ใน ประเทศไทย
P Lert-asavapatra - Journal of Innovation and Management, 2024 -
The purpose of this research is to develop and examine a causal relationship model
between electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication and its influence on attitudes …
between electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication and its influence on attitudes …
Exploring Players' Interaction and Experience in Role-play Game from Perspective of Affordance and Value Co-creation-a Case Study of Fallout 76
Y Wei, J Zhao - 2024 -
The concept of servitization has brought about a significant transformation in numerous
industries, signaling a strategic shift from a focus on goods to a service-oriented perspective …
industries, signaling a strategic shift from a focus on goods to a service-oriented perspective …
The Success Formula for Hedonic Media
MSNR Weber - 2024 -
Abstract (EN) This dissertation examines the key success drivers of hedonic media products
like movies and video games, across both the production and distribution phases. Essay I …
like movies and video games, across both the production and distribution phases. Essay I …