Predation, individual variability and vertebrate population dynamics
Both predation and individual variation in life history traits influence population dynamics.
Recent results from laboratory predator–prey systems suggest that differences between …
Recent results from laboratory predator–prey systems suggest that differences between …
Occupancy patterns and niche partitioning within a diverse carnivore community exposed to anthropogenic pressures
Although carnivores are in global decline, diverse carnivore communities are common in
sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 20 species may co-occur. Though intraguild …
sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 20 species may co-occur. Though intraguild …
Dynamics of a morbillivirus at the domestic–wildlife interface: Canine distemper virus in domestic dogs and lions
Morbilliviruses cause many diseases of medical and veterinary importance, and although
some (eg, measles and rinderpest) have been controlled successfully, others, such as …
some (eg, measles and rinderpest) have been controlled successfully, others, such as …
Differential impact of landscape transformation on pumas (Puma concolor) and jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest
C De Angelo, A Paviolo… - Diversity and Distributions, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Jaguars and pumas, being similar in size and behaviour, are the largest felids of the
Neotropics. However, pumas appear to be more resistant to human impacts. Our objective …
Neotropics. However, pumas appear to be more resistant to human impacts. Our objective …
Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia
M Ahmadi, B Nezami Balouchi, H Jowkar… - Diversity and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The Asiatic cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, a critically endangered large
felid, has disappeared from vast tracks of its historical range across south‐western Asia. It is …
felid, has disappeared from vast tracks of its historical range across south‐western Asia. It is …
Competition and coexistence in a small carnivore guild
The potential for strong competition among small sympatric carnivores results in a need for
coexistence strategies whereby competitors partition along spatial, temporal and dietary …
coexistence strategies whereby competitors partition along spatial, temporal and dietary …
Multi-scale niche modeling of three sympatric felids of conservation importance in central Iran
Context Carnivores in the central Iranian plateau have experienced considerable declines in
their populations during the last century. Ecological niche models can inform conservation …
their populations during the last century. Ecological niche models can inform conservation …
No respect for apex carnivores: distribution and activity patterns of honey badgers in the Serengeti
Honey badgers are cryptic carnivores that occur at low densities and range across large
areas. The processes behind site-level honey badger abundance and detection rates are …
areas. The processes behind site-level honey badger abundance and detection rates are …
[PDF][PDF] Using ecological models to explore niche partitioning within a guild of desert felids
Mammalian carnivores play a fundamental role in ecosystem structure and function. Arid
ecosystems of the Central Iranian plateau host a high diversity of carnivore species for which …
ecosystems of the Central Iranian plateau host a high diversity of carnivore species for which …
Living in extreme environments: modeling habitat suitability for jaguars, pumas, and their prey in a semiarid habitat
S Astete, J Marinho-Filho, RB Machado… - Journal of …, 2017 -
Carnivores and their prey occurring at the extremes of their ecological niches face particular
constraints in terms of habitat suitability (HS). We combined the use of camera traps and …
constraints in terms of habitat suitability (HS). We combined the use of camera traps and …