Advancing the complex adaptive systems approach to enterprise risk management with quantified risk networks (QRNs)
A Sheth, JV Sinfield - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Business enterprises are complex adaptive systems (CAS) subject to fragility caused by the
non-linear effects of uncertain risk events. The regional bank collapses in the United States …
non-linear effects of uncertain risk events. The regional bank collapses in the United States …
Connectivity, extremes, and adaptation: A power-law perspective of organizational effectiveness
M Boisot, B McKelvey - Journal of Management Inquiry, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Managers are often required to respond in adaptive ways to the threats and opportunities
presented by rare, extreme outcomes. Given these, management scholars frequently face a …
presented by rare, extreme outcomes. Given these, management scholars frequently face a …
How does CEO power and overconfidence affect the systemic risk of China's financial institutions?
Y Chen, A Safi, Y Zeb - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, this study measures the contribution of banks and
non-bank financial institutions toward the systemic risk of China. Second, the present study …
non-bank financial institutions toward the systemic risk of China. Second, the present study …
[KNYGA][B] Risk intelligent supply chains: how leading Turkish companies thrive in the age of fragility
Ç Haksöz - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
The Turkish economy is very dynamic and growing at phenomenal speeds. For instance,
Turkey's first quarter GDP growth rate was 11 percent in 2011. This growth brings its own …
Turkey's first quarter GDP growth rate was 11 percent in 2011. This growth brings its own …
[PDF][PDF] Maritime disruptions in the Australian-Indonesian wheat supply chain: An analysis of risk assessment and mitigation strategies
ROS Gurning - 2011 - academia.edu
Maritime operations perform a global interface function connecting international, regional
and domestic supply chain networks within a transportation and distribution platform. Due to …
and domestic supply chain networks within a transportation and distribution platform. Due to …
Adaptive knowledge sharing in turbulent times: urban disaster risk and knowledge management
Abstract Knowledge management in development discourse has been largely shaped by
the emergence and complexity of modern times. The increasing number and intensity of …
the emergence and complexity of modern times. The increasing number and intensity of …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling of multi-mitigation strategies for maritime disruptions in the wheat supply chain
This paper assesses potential mitigation strategies for maritime disruptions occurring during
the containerised transport of wheat in wheat supply chains (WSC). The assessment focuses …
the containerised transport of wheat in wheat supply chains (WSC). The assessment focuses …
Towards an econophysics view of intellectual capital dynamics: from self-organized criticality to the stochastic frontier
B McKelvey, MP Salmador, P Morcillo… - … Research & Practice, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The paper begins with research studying the concept and nature of Intellectual Capital (IC),
as well as how close IC firms are to the stochastic frontier. Then basic concepts of complexity …
as well as how close IC firms are to the stochastic frontier. Then basic concepts of complexity …
Assessing the utility of risk management theory in the governance of new states: lessons from South Sudan
M D'Agoôt - Journal of Risk Research, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
South Sudan was born amid great hope for a country that boasted vast natural wealth.
Inheriting a virtually lunar political and economic landscape, this hope quickly gave way …
Inheriting a virtually lunar political and economic landscape, this hope quickly gave way …
Pathways to Enterprise Resilience
AB Sheth - 2021 - hammer.purdue.edu
Resilience is studied as a systemic property in several disciplines such as engineering,
psychology, systems biology, and ecological sciences. Yet, the system view on resilience is …
psychology, systems biology, and ecological sciences. Yet, the system view on resilience is …