Operator inference for non-intrusive model reduction with quadratic manifolds
This paper proposes a novel approach for learning a data-driven quadratic manifold from
high-dimensional data, then employing this quadratic manifold to derive efficient physics …
high-dimensional data, then employing this quadratic manifold to derive efficient physics …
Model reduction of dynamical systems on nonlinear manifolds using deep convolutional autoencoders
Nearly all model-reduction techniques project the governing equations onto a linear
subspace of the original state space. Such subspaces are typically computed using methods …
subspace of the original state space. Such subspaces are typically computed using methods …
A comprehensive deep learning-based approach to reduced order modeling of nonlinear time-dependent parametrized PDEs
Conventional reduced order modeling techniques such as the reduced basis (RB) method
(relying, eg, on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)) may incur in severe limitations …
(relying, eg, on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)) may incur in severe limitations …
Quadratic approximation manifold for mitigating the Kolmogorov barrier in nonlinear projection-based model order reduction
A quadratic approximation manifold is presented for performing nonlinear, projection-based,
model order reduction (PMOR). It constitutes a departure from the traditional affine subspace …
model order reduction (PMOR). It constitutes a departure from the traditional affine subspace …
Neural-network-augmented projection-based model order reduction for mitigating the Kolmogorov barrier to reducibility
Inspired by our previous work on a quadratic approximation manifold [1], we propose in this
paper a computationally tractable approach for combining a projection-based reduced-order …
paper a computationally tractable approach for combining a projection-based reduced-order …
Reduced basis methods for time-dependent problems
Numerical simulation of parametrized differential equations is of crucial importance in the
study of real-world phenomena in applied science and engineering. Computational methods …
study of real-world phenomena in applied science and engineering. Computational methods …
Model reduction for transport-dominated problems via online adaptive bases and adaptive sampling
B Peherstorfer - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020 - SIAM
This work presents a model reduction approach for problems with coherent structures that
propagate over time, such as convection-dominated flows and wave-type phenomena …
propagate over time, such as convection-dominated flows and wave-type phenomena …
The shifted proper orthogonal decomposition: A mode decomposition for multiple transport phenomena
Transport-dominated phenomena provide a challenge for common mode-based model
reduction approaches. We present a model reduction method, which is suited for these kinds …
reduction approaches. We present a model reduction method, which is suited for these kinds …
Model order reduction assisted by deep neural networks (ROM-net)
In this paper, we propose a general framework for projection-based model order reduction
assisted by deep neural networks. The proposed methodology, called ROM-net, consists in …
assisted by deep neural networks. The proposed methodology, called ROM-net, consists in …
A registration method for model order reduction: data compression and geometry reduction
T Taddei - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020 - SIAM
We propose a general---ie, independent of the underlying equation---registration method for
parameterized model order reduction. Given the spatial domain Ω⊂R^d and the manifold …
parameterized model order reduction. Given the spatial domain Ω⊂R^d and the manifold …