Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges
There is growing awareness that 'nature-based solutions'(NbS) can help to protect us from
climate change impacts while slowing further warming, supporting biodiversity and securing …
climate change impacts while slowing further warming, supporting biodiversity and securing …
Drought vulnerability and risk assessments: state of the art, persistent gaps, and research agenda
Reducing the social, environmental, and economic impacts of droughts and identifying
pathways towards drought resilient societies remains a global priority. A common …
pathways towards drought resilient societies remains a global priority. A common …
Scientific evidence for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Ecosystems play a potentially important role in sustainably reducing the risk of disaster
events worldwide. Yet, to date, there are few comprehensive studies that summarize the …
events worldwide. Yet, to date, there are few comprehensive studies that summarize the …
Hard structures for coastal protection, towards greener designs
Over recent years, many coastal engineering projects have employed the use of soft
solutions as these are generally less environmentally damaging than hard solutions …
solutions as these are generally less environmentally damaging than hard solutions …
Biodiversity's contributions to sustainable development
International concern to develop sustainably challenges us to act upon the inherent links
between our economy, society and environment, and is leading to increasing …
between our economy, society and environment, and is leading to increasing …
[HTML][HTML] Mangroves' role in supporting ecosystem-based techniques to reduce disaster risk and adapt to climate change: A review
Variations due to climate change like rising sea levels, recurring storm surges and changing
wave conditions coupled with unsustainable development along the coast are exacerbating …
wave conditions coupled with unsustainable development along the coast are exacerbating …
Loss of coastal ecosystem spatial connectivity and services by urbanization: Natural-to-urban integration for bay management
Urbanization has negative consequences for the integrity of ecosystems and services they
provide, by reducing their extent and quality in both aquatic and terrestrial environments …
provide, by reducing their extent and quality in both aquatic and terrestrial environments …
[HTML][HTML] Towards an operationalisation of nature-based solutions for natural hazards
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are being promoted as adaptive measures against predicted
increasing hydrometeorological hazards (HMHs), such as heatwaves and floods which have …
increasing hydrometeorological hazards (HMHs), such as heatwaves and floods which have …
A review of public acceptance of nature-based solutions: The 'why','when', and 'how'of success for disaster risk reduction measures
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are increasingly recognized as sustainable approaches to
address societal challenges. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has benefited by moving away …
address societal challenges. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has benefited by moving away …
Soil and water bioengineering: Practice and research needs for reconciling natural hazard control and ecological restoration
F Rey, C Bifulco, GB Bischetti, F Bourrier… - Science of the total …, 2019 - Elsevier
Soil and water bioengineering is a technology that encourages scientists and practitioners to
combine their knowledge and skills in the management of ecosystems with a common goal …
combine their knowledge and skills in the management of ecosystems with a common goal …